my legs look like a warzone


Well-known member
i know this is really stupid of me, but i can't stop scratching my legs. they don't seem too dry, especially since i use lotion every day, but they just itch so bad all the time. i haven't been able to shave in forever because of all of my scabs. it's really embarassing. i've tried different body washes, laundry detergents, lotions, neosporin, calamine, everything. please help.
maybe you know of some miracle worker of a lotion that should be brought to my attention?


Well-known member
You need to go see a dermatologist. You might have some kind of allergy to something...try using Aveeno bath soak (it works wonders for super dry, itchy skin) and their lotion as well...hope you feel better soon...


Well-known member
If it's not an allergy or sensitivity to anything, you may wanna use Shea and Cocoa Butters.
Depending on how much you want to spend, the 8 Hour Cream, by Elizabeth Arden is awesome. It kind of smells like band aids, but it works miracle. It is use in burn units @ hospitals.
A less expensive fix is Eucrien calming cream. I have really dry skin in the winter, and it really helps with the itching.



Well-known member
Originally Posted by lauracbarnes
Depending on how much you want to spend, the 8 Hour Cream, by Elizabeth Arden is awesome. It kind of smells like band aids, but it works miracle. It is use in burn units @ hospitals.
A less expensive fix is Eucrien calming cream. I have really dry skin in the winter, and it really helps with the itching.


I second that, it's great stuff.


Well-known member
I have that too. Not half as bad I I used to. Mine was caused by something internal Colitis. High liver enzymes, which is caused by my Gilberts syndrome. It's nothing serious but during pregnancy I itched so bad, from the inside out, so I could never really satisfy the itch, that I bruised. I actually had my husband scratching me with a metal dog brush....yikes. Anyway, just wanted to say, it could help to just have some blood work run.


Well-known member
Oh my my, I feel for you so much. I had this same problem during my undergrad...I was under stress to finish and was working nearly full time too. I scratched my whole body so much it bruised and bled daily. Finally, I went to Urgent Care because I couldn't stand it anymore. They prescribed me Prednisone (an oral steroid) for 5 days to stop the itch, and told me to use nothing that is overly scented or perfumey. Aveeno oatmeal soak and lotions are great at giving some relief. After awhile and after I finished school the itching went away and my doctor pretty much told me it was my body's reaction to stress. It was horrible, I lost sleep at night and nothing made me feel better. I am so sorry you are dealing with this...I really reccommend seeing a doctor so you can eliminate some problems such as allergies, etc. I hope you feel better