My lips are burning!! Need chapstick!!


Well-known member
Or some form of lip balm. Aquafor doesn't really solve the problem. As soon as it rubs off, my lips are chapped again. What are the best lip balms for CHAPPED lips? Something that will help them heal so my naked lips aren't so dry and flaky. They kinda hurt!


Well-known member
Rosebud Salve... you can find it at Sephora. It's the only thing that really works for me and quick.


Well-known member
while i was in the hospital, i constantly applied mac tendertones which really helped as they were dried, chapped, cracked and bleeding. you could also try scrubbing them with a mixture of sugar and vaseline with a q tip dont lick your lips, but wet your lips with water and then applying some sort of gel to cover them like tendertone or vaseline. thats what i did =D


Well-known member
Unless you're moisturizing them really heavily beforehand, I would say stay away from the vaseline or chapstick - the petroleum will trap moisture in and out, so if there's nothing to trap in, it won't be helping you in the slightest.

My absolute favorite lipbalm is Coola Lip Luxe (which I try to use religiously, since I made the mistake of getting sunburned lips for the first time a month ago), with Aromaleigh's balms being a very close second.