My Mom was Adopted.


Well-known member
Hi guys. Sort of a random thread but I feel like I just want to ask you a quick question. My mother was adopted and never knew her past. I wonder if she is mixed with anything but I am not sure. Is there a way of finding out? I always wondered if I had a deeper background. Any help? She has not (not that I know of) researched about her past


Well-known member
I think it would depend on whether the adoption was an open or closed one...if it was open, she could find her biological family, but if it was closed, I don't think there's much you can do...


Well-known member
If it's a question of ethnicity rather than of trying to trace the family tree, I remember reading a while back that it was possible to have genetic tests done, to confirm where your (very distant) ancestors likely originated from. However I also remember it was quite expensive and took a long time... I've no idea how much it would cost these days, nor what kind of information it would give you exactly. It might be linked to this programme, but I can't quite remember:
Way-Back Gene Trace -


Well-known member
Open for sure...If it was closed...and you are over 18 you can go thru the adoption agency and they will contact the parent if they can and ask the parent if they are willing...and if the parent says yes they can give the info to the parent to contact you.....if not they can't do anything but tell you no.

You can always call the Locator ...I love that show...he finds everybody!!!


Well-known member
Unfortunatly she was adopted back home (Sri Lanka) and my mom (now 54) is most likely her mother he deceased. *sigh* I guess genetic tests might be pricey....


Well-known member
I agree that the genetic tests would be a good idea. Probably your best and easiest bet in this situation. From what I've heard they aren't THAT expensive. Around $200 or $300ish. I mean it's not cheap but if your really interested in finding out it's probably something good to invest in. I've even thought about getting my brother (cause I lack a Y chromosome, while has both an X and Y one) to take the test when I have a bit of money saved up.

There are quite a few different dna ancestry tests out there and I would do some research on it before settling on which one to take (if your mother would be taking one). I would just start googling "dna ancestry tests" and go from there.

I hope this helps! Good Luck!