~*My New Beauty Storage Cart*~ (Pic Heavy)


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Hey everyone! Soooo...my meager makeup collection has grown some what and is taking up too much space with the multiple train cases and makeup bags I have. I was DESPERATE for anything that I could use to store my collection. I'm in the process of refurnishing my bedroom, and since it's a big project and I have yet to decide what type of furniture to buy, I needed something inexpensive to help keep my collection organized now. This is what I found. Between the 7 drawer cart, and 3 sets of small baskets inside, I only spent $25! Gotta love Walmart!!! Check it out. =)

Mirror Closed


Mirror Open


1st Drawer: Brushes, Primer, Tools


2nd Drawer: Fluidliners, Paint Pots, MSF eyeshadows, samples, etc.


3rd Drawer: Eyeshadow compacts (MAC, Hard Candy, Urban Decay, 4 MAC Pro 15 pan pallettes, etc), pigments, shadesticks, liquid eyeliners, etc.)


Drawer 4: Lip Drawer


Drawer 5: Misc Drawer (lashes, glitters, foundations, makeup removers)


Drawer 6: Hair Stuff


Drawer 7: Makeup Bags


Ms. Z

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Well-known member

I read the title and thought this might be the same thing I have and it is
. I have one of these but I need another, they are great!!! I just moved and it works soooo nice.
Very nice collection

I need one of those mirrors though....
Where did u get it :confused: How good is the lighting?


Well-known member
Thanks for the comments!

Originally Posted by lhorgan

I read the title and thought this might be the same thing I have and it is
. I have one of these but I need another, they are great!!! I just moved and it works soooo nice.
Very nice collection

I need one of those mirrors though....
Where did u get it :confused: How good is the lighting?

The mirror is by a brand called "Jerdon" and I bought it at "Bed, Bath, and Beyond" for about $40. I love it and find the lighting works well for me. It has different lighting settings: day, office, evening, and home. It also has a outlet plug on the front so I can plug my hair dryer or whatever, into it as well. Hope this helps!!!


Well-known member
Nice collection and so well organized!

I'm afraid to do something like that for fear the husband will have me committed when he sees everything.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by *Moni-Luv*
Thanks for the comments!

The mirror is by a brand called "Jerdon" and I bought it at "Bed, Bath, and Beyond" for about $40. I love it and find the lighting works well for me. It has different lighting settings: day, office, evening, and home. It also has a outlet plug on the front so I can plug my hair dryer or whatever, into it as well. Hope this helps!!!

Thank You 4 replying!!! I am going to have to go get one
. I'm so glad that the lighting is good.
The plug thing is cool too. Thanks a bunch!


Well-known member
I love it!! I'm sooo getting one. I like that its on wheels too. You have it looking all organized and what not!


Well-known member
You're welcome!!!! I had been looking for something to hold my collection and keep it organized until I find a vanity. Glad it helped out!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by *KT*
Nice collection and so well organized!

I'm afraid to do something like that for fear the husband will have me committed when he sees everything.

LOL...mine would too!

We have one of those carts for my kids arts/crafts and papers, but it is mainly filled with cr@p. I should clean it out and claim it for my makeup stuff, but I wouldn't fill it up. I don't have *that* much stuff, unfortunately...


Well-known member
um how tall is that?? I want one but I dunno if I will be able to put my mirror on top of it and see properly since I'm so short


Well-known member
Originally Posted by allthatglamour
Do you like your pink straightener? Does it work well?

LOVE the straightner!!! It works wonders....curls and straightens...depending on what I want. I can't live without it!

Originally Posted by QTAllStarGurl
um how tall is that?? I want one but I dunno if I will be able to put my mirror on top of it and see properly since I'm so short

Well...I'm short too. 5"2' so it works perfect for me. And besides....my mirror adjusts in the back so it can reach most heights.


Well-known member
That seems like a great solution for inexpensive! How well do those electric lit mirror things work? Do they actually provide good light?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MissChievous
That seems like a great solution for inexpensive! How well do those electric lit mirror things work? Do they actually provide good light?

I think it really depends on the brand. I've tried some brands that didn't really light up very well. But this particular mirror is FAB-U-LOUS!!! I change the settings according to my preferences and can get a wonderful sense of coverage I need. I live by it!!!!

Glad this helps!!!