My new internet crack!


Well-known member
I don't remember how I found this site, I was googling something and stumbled upon it. I can't get enough!

I love reading peoples' secrets.. hehe. There are all kinds of different categories, and you can post them completely anonymously. Others can comment, unless comments are disabled by the author, or they can click buttons (similar to the Thanks button feature here on specktra) that say [OMG] or [ME TOO], etc.. It's addicting!


Well-known member
No prob
I already got my best friend addicted too since yesterday, hehe.

and I know, I love PostSecret too, but I always feel cheated because I want to read more postcards and they only post like 10 of them per week! So that's why I like this site.. there are so many!


Well-known member
So addicted to this site now!! Such a good dumping ground without having to hear about it later!!


Well-known member
there's this thing called secret tweet. its insane. ppl anonymously tweet (on twitter) their secrets and they're always super interesting, hilarious, sad, or whoa.


Well-known member
Its so much fun to read those confessions, only if the stories are true!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MissResha
there's this thing called secret tweet. its insane. ppl anonymously tweet (on twitter) their secrets and they're always super interesting, hilarious, sad, or whoa.

I particularly enjoy reading the WHOA ones.


Well-known member
Yeah I like too, but I wonder if the majority are made up...

There's really no way to tell, a lot are just too crazy to be real, but i dunno. I still enjoy reading them!

There's also which is very funny. NSFW? maybe


Well-known member = pure LOL moments for me
here's one

Today, I came home from work and had to pee so badly that I ran to the bathroom and ripped my pants down. My touch screen phone dropped from my pocket and started calling my boyfriend. Since I couldn't quite reach the phone, I left a message of me peeing on his cell. FML


Well-known member
yup fmylife is one of my all time faves! great to pass the time and some of the stories are stupidly funny!