My new Obsession


Well-known member
What a beautiful pair, you and the bestie. You have a lovely face, I love the porcelain skin with the variety of lips and the awesome complexion. You have been blessed girlie


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SakurasamaLover
Pretty girl!!!

Just for reference what shade of SS do you use ? fondation and concealer ?


I use SS NW 15 in concealer and foundation. I also love their select cover up concealer.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Alibi
You look so amazing. Honestly, you just made my day girl! I hate being pale, and I tend to always love make-up on more tanned complexion. Im always wishing I was NC30-35. But Im NC20. And Im absolutely amazed by your FOTD! Can you please tell me which mac shade are you? And maybe name a few products which flatter your skintone the most (if it wont bother you, please name a nice blush, what you use for countouring, a bronzer and a lipglass/lipstick). thanks a lot!

Jubilee noted!


Ah, I have learned to embrace my paleness, I too was once really concerned about my lack of pigmentation, especially living in South Florida. But I think lighter skin tones are just as beautiful, and they take to makeup beautifully.

I am NW 15, I Love using select cover up concealer because of it's matte/velvety finish. I do suggest a very nice powder to set your face, that gives the skin a porcelain like finish. I alternate between Bare Esentuals mineral veil, and my coastal scents contour palette.

Mineralize in Med Plus is a pretty and light contour and it adds warmth to the skin without looking like fake tanner or bronzer. As for blushes, I love blushbaby, secret blush, mocha is pretty and anything dirty, plummy, pink-ish.

as for lipglasses... Anything!!!!! Anything will look gorgeous, for the most part. Some good ones are Lust, Flashmode, All the cream glasses, and you must get Lollipop Loving l/s. It is such a beautiful color, and of course fabby and jubilee l/s. I also love Girl about town... you have so many choices because of your light skin. Experiment! have fun, it's not a permanent commitment... the best part is that it washes off!



Well-known member
Originally Posted by BeccalovesMAC
omg! Its not fair how beautiful u are. I love it. I'm jealous.

Ditto this! That red is SMOKIN! And I love the neutral lip, too... gah. Way too pretty <3


Well-known member
I was the same way! I never really had an interest in lip colors but once i tried... I was hooked
You have beautiful lips & i really like each look you posted!