my second love.....


Well-known member
im not much of a makeup addict as such when compared to my love of earrings... i have so many pairs and at the mo they are all in 8 ferrero rocha boxes. some of them are really expensive like my liz claiborne ones while others are the slightly cheaper ones. ok this is where i need all yr help. i want some kind of idea for storing them but not like wat i already have as they end up getting tangled. pls pls pls suggest wat i could do with them. yr help would be really appreciated, thnx


Well-known member
so your looking for some way to store your earrings? what about one of those cool screen things. looks like a window screen but its for earrings. they can go right thru the grid and not fall out and you can display them and know what you have


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MxAxC-_ATTACK
so your looking for some way to store your earrings? what about one of those cool screen things. looks like a window screen but its for earrings. they can go right thru the grid and not fall out and you can display them and know what you have

I totally agree, and Claire's makes some really cute ones, like these, and they're pretty sturdy, and soooo convenient!!!
