My Shimpagne SkinFinish got here....cracked!

MAC Melly

Well-known member
This was what I was MOST excited about too...

The clear plastic that should be on top of it isn't there... I wonder why..?? My Stereo Rose has the clear plastic film on top..therefore, no cracking!


Well-known member
You mean... it wasn't there when you bought it?? Hmm. That's kinda suspect.

I once bought a MAC e/s with a nick in it. And I knew it had been opened because you know the box, it has two small flaps, one on either side? and one of them was bent back in, when they are always facing outwards with a new product, but if someone was jamming the e/s back into the box in a hurry, they might not notice and fold the little flap in, instead of out.

I was pretty peeved but for my particular case, I didn't feel like bringing it back.

Still, I hate when you pay good money and get something not up to par.

You should def. return yours.

MAC Melly

Well-known member
oooh Star...funny that you mention that because I was saying the same exact thing about 2 of the boxes from my latest haul!

Anyways.. I just called customer service and they're sending me a new skinfinish... I asked if they need me to return this one and they said I can just toss it....

But...daaaang... I don't want to toss it.. maybe I can still find some use with this... hehe...


Well-known member
Aww that sucks it was cracked. They're so fragile, mac should know better! One of the skinfinish displays was already destroyed at my counter....


Well-known member
try putting it in a sifter or something. try out an art store to see what kind of containers they have


Well-known member
They;re letting you keep it! nice! toss it? are they u have a loose backup :)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MAC Melly
This was what I was MOST excited about too...

The clear plastic that should be on top of it isn't there... I wonder why..?? My Stereo Rose has the clear plastic film on top..therefore, no cracking!

was this an order from the mac site?


Well-known member
Well I just wanted to tell everyone that I remembered this post, and i just bought gold deposit and stereo rose yesterday. Well I walked out and checked my skinfinishes and what do you know..stereo rose was i turned right around and brought it back. So i suggest everyone check these before leaving the store :-0


I've gotten the skinfinishes cracked before multiple times and it's only happened when I ordered from the maccosmetics site (the nordies site actually packs all their stuff really really well, with styrofoam and everything). After my first one cracked, they sent me a new one and when I opened the box it was cracked too, they do a horrible job with packing stuff up (they just put a piece of paper inside and they think that will do), hopefully they got their act together now.

MAC Melly

Well-known member
Yeah.. and you know... I feel so bad when I call customer service and they ask for the initials that are written on the invoice..