Myspace is getting ridiculous...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Lauren1981

it's a word referring to black people but in a negative way. like when ppl do the whole "blackface" thing it's like feeding into and joking about the negative stereotypes of how a "typical" black person looks physically (i.e. black skin, wide nose, huge lips)
it's kind of along the lines of using the "N" word as far as it being derogatory and a racial slur but it's referring more to the stereotype of how black people "look"

I'd never heard it before either. That's awful. Don't people realize that when they say these kinds of words, they are putting themselves down too? They are telling you something about themselves rather than the person they are trying to insult or make fun of. They are telling you that they are ignorant, rude, disrespectful and hateful. When you put someone down because they are different to you, you are showing that you are not secure in yourself and your own humanness. If you truly valued yourself as a person, a member of the human race, you would not feel the need to focus on racial differences because you would value the humanity of others and the differences would seem insignificant in a sense. If you place value on yourself by seeing yourself as superior to another race, you are only placing value on a skin colour or race instead of who you are inside and that's sad. It's also NOT the way to get people to seriously listen to what you want to say and respect your intelligence and yourself.
People from different races do have their differences in looks, in culture etc. but this is something we should embrace and celebrate. We can always learn more about ourselves and grow as people by learning about other people and their way of life, their beliefs, their way of looking at the world, etc. We should be proud of who we are- our background, culture, race etc. but if that's what you place your value on, rather than who you really are then who are you when you turn out the light? Where is your real identity?

And if you have big lips, then anyone who picks on you for it, is probably jealous because their collagen injection gave them a trout-pout.

Wow, that was a long post. Sorry if I lost anyone!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Mabelle
I'm sorry, but what is a jiggaboo? I've never heard this slur before.
Obviously i know it is some kind of racist insult towards African Americans, but does it have a specific historical meaning or is it a general disrespectful term?

Just wondering. I've never heard it. I thought i misread the word Jiggalo.

Here is some origin information about the word from Africa Update Archives:

From Tshi-luba [Chiluba] in the Congo region come such words as "jambalaya" from "tshimboebole" meaning cooked corn, although the term is used in the US to describe a rice, vegetable and seafood dish. ..... "Jiggaboo" or "jigabo" is from "tshikabo," meaning meek or servile and came to have very derisive meaning in English.


Well-known member
I joined an app on myspace "truthbox", and there was rate me section. So i clicked on it and there were little teenagers posing totally topless! i freaked, removed the application and haven't been back to myspace since. I should just delete my whole account since i never go there.
It's sad that these girls feel like they have to do this for whatever reason at such a young age.. and it makes me even madder that myspace has allowed other people to make apps to put on their site and then don't moderate them. blah!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ashleyisawesome
I just deleted a friend of mine that I've been friends with since 6th grade. She was actually on my top 4 until this. It's funny how an election can bring out who people truly are. Apparently calling the president (or ANYONE for that matter) a "jigaboo" is perfectly acceptable, you know, because he's black. It is one thing to be disappointed, upset, and angry that your candidate didn't win. It's okay to voice your opinion on Obama's ideas, plans, etc. But to use racial slurs, to alienate all of your friends who are black, and to regress back in history (especially at a time where things should be moving forward) is not and will never be okay with me. I do not befriend racists. Period. I've never been so ashamed, disgusted, or offended in my life.

I have a friend very much like yours (with the whole mentality of black americans being inferior). I don't talk to him much anymore. He and his girlfriend are caucasian southerners (not that all southerners are like that) and they're swingers and into threesomes and the whole asian rock thing. Every time people don't like his band's sleezy music, he blames it on "racism." Some people just don't realize any form of discrimination unless it's fired towards them, but they do it to other people all the time and use the most ludacris means of justifying it.

I'm pretty sure I'm not on their top friends on myspace anymore because I am "narrowminded" and won't have threesomes with them, or at least I'm not even a "maybe." They often accuse me of being disloyal to my friends and untrustworthy.

I hate to say it but, race aside, there are just certain people of every culture and ethnicity that are inferior in thinking, rationale and whatnot. I believe we should treat all people as equal, but I do not believe all people are. You just never know until you've spent some time with them.