Well-known member
Thanks for the heads up about HHC. Hope the group buy doesn't stop, it's been very useful and pretty cheap. I think Fiona has 3 young children, so I'm not surprised she's swamped. Mine are all grown ups now and I'm still so busy with them (well, the younger 2 anyway). And full time work on top of it all (not sure if she works full time, but even part time with young children would be hard). Hope she ships your polishes soon, I hate waiting for stuff!Hiya! Thanks for sympathy, have some back you poor thing!
So sorry about your kitty, I've had a cat in the past with bladder stones, I feel you on the expensive special diet, but it did do well for mine.
I've been getting a bit stressed about HHC to be honest - I'm still waiting for my June order! I am never in a rush but with the Nailland delay and the sluggish shipping on HHC I don't know, it's been bothering me a bit.
I know there were reasons for the June delay, with first the box having a delivery failure and no card so it sat at the PO for several weeks before Fiona picked it up. Then she also has a new job which seems to mean she takes a bit of time to get round to sorting things out. Then she was ill for a couple of weeks, poor thing. All of this is not a problem, but she finally posted June shipping charges over 2 weeks ago, paid straight away but she's not been sighted since then. So no shipping yet - as I say, it's not getting the polishes that bothers me, I'm just worried the group buy might stop soon as it seems to be too much for her to handle. And of course my VV orders have also been going via HHC, which I truly appreciate them helping out but the delay is sad! I have a huge wishlist and a VV order for October, not sure how many I'll end up buying but there are about 8 on there plus 6 VVs and one I've seen swatched that isn't yet listed. I seem to have cut right back on PPU (yay!) but HHC buys are bigger so not actually buying less polish! I thought I'd been a bit more restrained lately, but I just checked my cc statement and I bought 24 polishes this month, much more than I thought! (2 HHC, 4 RC, 6 VV, 1 FF, 6 Nailland, 4 GLL, 1 PPU) It is less than recent months I guess, and I do really like most of them in theory, though none are here yet.
I haven't bought any polishes since June, I think, but to be fair, I really don't need any more. I'm still using my oldest polishes which is kind of fun, some of them are 10 years old, so it's good to finally get around to wearing them. I pick from brands based on usage (always have), so I wear polishes fom brands I've worn the least amount (%) of and often the ones I have the most polishes from. I've only worn less than half of my polishes, so plenty to go still!
So here are my manis from the past 2 weeks or so. First is Illyrian Sakura. It was less bring irl, but this is the only picture I have:

Next is Emily de Molly Illumine. This was lovely.

This is Femme Fatale The Secret of Secrets.

Finally this is my current mani, Polished for Days Prototype 2016. It has tiny gold sparkles, prettier than it looks. Unfortunately it did chip very quickly, true to form.