NARS oil free foundation & MAC lipsticks :)


Well-known member
Hey everyone

I'm running low on my MAC studio fix fluid, so I've decided to give NARS oil free foundation a try. Problem is, I'm ordering it so I can't try it on my face :$ The website's descriptions are kind of vague so what do you guys think would match my skintone? I use NW25 but I've noticed its too pink for me. Ages ago I swatched the NARS foundation in Deauville on my arm and it was perfect, but my arm is much paler than my face. Should I go for Fiji?



bad hair day haha

Second- lipsticks! I ALWAYS go for colours that are similar. Maroons, purples, mauves... I never notices till I lined them up and realised how alike they all are. What colours do you think I should go for? I'm always so confused at the MAC counter

Solar Plum
Fresh Moroccan
Strange & Exotic
Budding Lust
Russian Red
New York Apple
Dark Side

See what I mean? My lipglosses are all similar too. I was thinking of trying some corals, starting out with Lychee Luxe lipglass as a change. If any of you have suggestions I'd be really grateful. I've avoided light colors like Angel etc because when I had braces the glue discoloured patches of my teeth and I'm really embarassed by it, and I feel like pale, pinky colours really make it obvious, but I want to start wearing neutrals... Any suggestions would be really helpful! Thanks in advance


Well-known member
Deaville is very pale, ivory color. Try Budapest at your jawline, it's a neutral-about NC25, and not pink. Fiji or Barcelona might be close too...they are both less than NC30, but more than NC15. There are people who can wear up to three different shades of NARS and still have it look natural, and most people exept the very palest, can wear two shades. (Lots of examples in the book Make Up Your Mind). Makeup should be matched to the face, arms are always a different color due to more or less light exposure.

Love Always Ivy

Well-known member
go to sephora or a nars counter and ask an SA to match you! and i also know that sephora can give you samples to take home to decide which shade you prefer.

i also HIGHLY reccomend the NARS primer underneath the oil free. its an amazing foundation on its own but it looks super airbrushed gorgeous with the primer underneath too


Well-known member
Thanks for the info guys... the problem is I live in the UAE and I don't have a Sephora in my town :$ My friend is getting me some from the Sephora in Dubai. And they never give samples here, its so frustrating! Thanks for the recomendations though, and I'll definitely check out the primer