NC42 - Which Blush?


I'm an NC42 and want to find a Nars blush that will go well with my skintone. I am looking for a more natural looking powder Nars blush (possibly one that is on the matte side) and am also looking for recommendations on Nars creme blushes.

Based on quality, color etc... do you guys recommend that I buy Mac powder blushes or Nars powder blushes? How about Mac creme blushes or Nars creme blushes?



Well-known member
Theres quite a few that would look good on your skin tone - as I am too NC42. I use as a daily blush Luster (its a beautiful subtle peach pink with golden flecks), and to enhance that area I tend to fall towards Deep Throat or Dolce Vita. I think alot of blush shades would go well with your skin colour, its just a matter of application, and remember NARS tends to be very pigmented, so you cant be heavy handed with its application!
Hope this helps...


New member
I am NC42 and 153 in MUFE.... I love Nars LoveJoy... this is a great neutral color. I also wear LORAC Soul when I feel like I need a bit more "pink" but ... I think you should give Lovejoy a try. It is a bronzed Rose...but frankly it is more warm than cool. That is why I use the Lorac as well... If I have a blue or pinkish shade on... hope this helps..
NARS blushes for the most part are more pigmented than MAC blushes.. If you have a light hand, go for NARS.. If not, go for MAC - you can always build up..
I love MAC Fleur power and Peaches..