Need Help With Pictures


Active member
Alritee, so I'm going to be posting makeup FOTD's and tutorials in a while (once i start building my collection over these few months), so I already have a camera (digital). Now my only problem is that when I try to take a picture of my eye makeup, the flash over-powers it and you can't see my makeup. So how do I avoid that? Should I turn off the flash...or what? I want it to be a good quality picture. When I see other people here on specktra doing makeup tutorials, their pictures come out perfect and you can see all the details in the makeup. So any tips on how to avoid the glare of the falsh but still take an awesome picture? Also if you have any good good digital camera suggestions that would be good for my situation. Maybe I will buy another one. Thanks
Not sure if I posted this in the right section on specktra. If not, my apologies.
The camera that I own is a Sony 7.2 megapixels Cybershot. It has 3x's optical zoom and 1000 ISO.


Well-known member
I have the same camera as you except mine is 8.1mp.
What you should do is, turn the Macro on (looks like a flower) and flash off if you are taking it by the window. Or you can turn the Macro on and use Slow Synchro flash instead of the other flash.

You can always just play about with the settings and find the right one that takes best pictures