Need Help with this Eyeshadow/eyeshadows! =)


Well-known member
Hi everyone =)

Okay so this eyeshadow looks SO PRETTY, but I really don't know what brand this is. it looks like a creme eyeshadow but i'm not sure if it's creme, powder, or creme-to-powder. Also her eyebrows are gorgeous, I don't know what she uses! Anyone have any rec's as to what these are?? These colors are missing from my collection! thank you ladies =) I have carbon eyeshadow but for some reason doesn't go on as dark as this I just have to apply it thicker for it to show up more? Or is this another brand/kind of black eyeshadow on the outer V?



Well-known member
hmmm for black e/s i'd try putting blacktrack f/l on first, and then smudging it w/ carbon e/s. as for the grey, maybe knight divine e/s? i'd say maybe spiked brow liner for the brows. it could even be a medium brown matte e/s. hth


Well-known member
thank you for your response!

yes it does look like a grey shadow--which i don't have any on---and i've never tried knight divine either--but will def. check it out next time i'm at mac..

oh and i actually do have spiked eyebrow pencil and it totally does notlook like that in pics! hehe. maybe it just depends on the person's eyebrows!