Need LOTS of rec's

black mamba

Well-known member
I live about 2 hours from the nearest MAC so I can't just go to the MAC store and try things out before I buy them, so a lot of my products are things I have to take a chance on. I have my main collection pretty much established and am starting to look at other items.

I am an NC 30 with brown eyes and hair. I wore brown eyeshadow for years, but am starting to play around with purples, blues and greens. I recently bought the corn shadestick after hearing so many raves about it. I really like it, but I think that I should expand my collection, so what shadesticks would be good to start off with?

Also I only own 3 blushes NARS orgasm, and MAC style and angel. I had Cute for a while, but had the same problem with it that I'm having with Angel which is it doesn't show up on me. What are some must have blushes for my skin tone?

Finally I broke down and bought some palettes so I have enough empties to get 7 new lippies from Back2Mac. I'm a big fan of the lipglasses but I usually prefer pink colors (think Nymphette, Rayothan, Pink Clash etc). What lipstick colors are similar to these? I don't like anything too light as it washes me out and all the MAC lippies I've owned have done this to me(B-CUp, Gel, Playmate pink, Pink Freeze). I truly appreciate any and all rec's!!!


Well-known member
For shadestick you can't go wrong with Mangomix and Beig-ing they are both so nice.
Can't really help you with the blushers as I don't own that many myself.
For pink lipstick try Giddy, Syrup and Pink Aperitif.


New member
I agree with Hikaru-Chan, Magomix is great, also think about Shimmersand and Sharkskin...

Yeah, it does sound like your blushes are too light for you... Melba is great, it's a tad deeper than most pinks, kinda like a bowned pink...but not, lol. It's very nice, also consider something like Gingerly or even Prism.

I too love the pink lipsticks, some of my faves include Plink! (LOVE THIS), Bombshell, Viva Glam 5, Politely Pink,and Gigglefest if you can find it.