Need Recs for some Cremestick liners!


Well-known member
Hello lovelies!

Until now I've almost never worn lipliner under lipstick or lipgloss, but with so many great Cremestick liners out there I was debating on whether or not I should be getting some ...

I'd like a neutral pinkish/rose one and a neutral apricot one to start with (I'm very pale, blue eyes, reddish hair), but as I haven't tested any of these so far I have no idea which ones to look at.

I thought about (from MAC swatches) Summerfruit or Dreamkiss for the apricot one, and maybe Smoothberry or Pink Treat for the pinkish one.

What do you think? Good picks? Are they very intense? Are there any other you like better?

TIA for your ideas!


Well-known member
I have sublime culture this is like a neutral apricot. More neutral than anything. It's really pretty and goes very good with lots of differnt lipsticks


Well-known member
Pink Threat is great but really on the pink side, it's also great with plummy or berry l/s.
My MA used it with Plumfull on me.

I like the Cremesticks, they are very smooth, but I would have preferred them a little bit thinner, because my lips are quite small.


Well-known member
I like Sublime Culture the best so far; I would compare it to Subculture in the pencil liners....very neutral. Creamkiss, the apricot one, is okay, but it's not subtle, it's pretty intense/dark IMHO. I would like to check out Summerfruit myself.