Need request for 2 shadows to round out my my MAC collection(ro)


Well-known member
Hope this is the right place to post this, I hope to place a order tomorrow.
this is what I have:
1. Silver Ring
2. Swish
3. Trax
4. Sweet lust
5. Crème de Violet
6. Aquadisic
7. Stemy
8. De Menthe
9. Sumptuous Olive
10. Retrospeck
11. Amber Lights
12. Goldbit
13. Mythology
14. Saddle
15. Phloof!
17.Belle Azure

I have a 15 palette and a 4- the 4 looks lonely with 2 empty spaces


New member
A few I'd rec

Twinks, Knight Divine, Coquette, Espresso, Club, Antiqued, naked lunch, vex, vellum, brill, swimming


Well-known member
so it looks like i should just get another 15 palette and go to town!!! if only i could afford that! but then again...i DO think i will go ahead and get another 15 palette
I MUST give myself room to grow!