Need Suggestions


New member
Hi everyone,

i dunno were i should post this so hopefully i am in the right section lol.

im new here but i love mac and want to start increasing my collection.

i was wondering what mac products you can suggest to buy and why its worth getting.

if you can do that for me it would be much appreciated



New member
Mac Suggestions

hi there

im new to this forum, btu not new to mac lol i have started to buy a few things from MAC.

i want to buy more things from MAC i just dunno what lol, if you are able to suggest some good products and why they are worthwhile getting that would be much appreciated




Well-known member
Everything...hahaha! I would definitely recommend pigments as they have so many uses, and so much product in them. Also, the Mineralized Skin Finishes..these too can be used in a variety of ways and look great on the skin. Fix+ is another must have item with a ton of uses! I'm a huge fan of multi-use products!


Well-known member
i definitely think you should just hit up your local MAC store or counter and check everything out.. maybe buy a couple eyeshadows that you like, a pretty blush, and an everyday lipstick & gloss.

aside from cosmetics, a great investment would be buying some brushes.. they are so fundamental in creating a nice, blended look! my favorites that i use daily are #224 (great for blending!), #242 (good for packing on eyeshadow), #266 or 263 (for gel eyeliner, lining with shadows, shading eyebrows), aaaand #129 for blush and other face powders.


Well-known member
like the other girls stated before me, "EVERYTHING"

definitely purchase brushes from MAC. they are simply awesome.

MAC colors (eye, lip and face colors) are awesome. such great variety of colors.

welcome to the world of mac addiction. haha. j/k. have fun!

Honey B. Fly

Well-known member
lipglass, neutral eyeshadows are always a must have to start off with, a nice powder blush for everyday like a pink or a peach... just start building with ur basic colors u always wear first


Well-known member
Other than whats already been suggested, u should def try the fluidlines, they are so easy to apply, and they last real well too.


Well-known member
Re: Mac Suggestions

If your finances are limited start with products that exploit your best feature and go from there. Some women also start with very basic things like foundation, powder,blush, and go from there. Start with items that you will get the most bang for your buck in the begining.


Well-known member
Re: Mac Suggestions

Originally Posted by Kuuipo
If your finances are limited start with products that exploit your best feature and go from there. Some women also start with very basic things like foundation, powder,blush, and go from there. Start with items that you will get the most bang for your buck in the begining.

Unless you already have some products that you are happy with, I would recommend going with an everyday blush or eyeliner because you really only need a little of each! And pigments are also a good investment if you like them. Vanilla, for examples, makes a wonderful highlighter shade on the eyes as well as on the cheeks.

Also, brushes are a great investment. They can last for a lifetime if you take care of them, so they are definately worth your money, if you don't already have a good set. HTHS!


Well-known member
If you have oily skin I highly recommend MAC Blot pressed powder. There is nothing better to keep shine away and set makeup. I also recommend shadesticks. They make great bases for eyeshadows. MAC eyeshadows are wonderful. There is just about every color imaginable to choose from. Pic what colors work for you. Lastly, I highly recommend MAC's powder blushes. I know a lot of people think NARS blushes are the best, but I don't agree. I've tried several NARS blushes and found that MAC's is better for me. I love the color Dame.


Well-known member
Definitely get Love Nectar Lustreglass, if you don't already have it. You can wear it with any lipstick, and it looks good on its own. I think it's a must have. Also, Woodwinked e/s. I thought it was just another bronzy eyeshadow, but the texture is amazing! I use it all the time now. Also, if you're looking for a shimmer-y rose-y blush...Plum Foolery all the way. Okay, I'll stop the other girls I just want to recommend everything!


New member
hey thanks all for the posts

i have a couple of the brushes and a pack which had 5 limited edition pigments - also have 3 lipglasses (love them) blacktrack, pop iris liner

i was looking at the primers - i am thinking of investing in them - esp the face one and want to know if they are worth while getting

and or any eyeshadoe colours which you would highy rec - i wear any colour so it doesnt mater lol - i also have hazel eyes so any eyeshadows that would bring that out more - i am mostly into pinks, black , purple and greens