Need you opinion...


Well-known member
i work at Tim Horton's. i have been looking for a different job since the day i started. i really like the people i work with (minus one), but the job SUCKS. i don't even drink coffee (never have). if i had the opportunity to leave for a different job i would certainly look into it.

can you perhaps work at both places? that way if Sephora doesn't work out you have Second Cup as a "back up"?

in any case... i'm sorry to hear that your co workers aren't so great.
it sounds more like they're the cause of your job stress more than the actual job itself.

(if Sephora calls you for an interview go for it! you have nothing to lose by giving your all at an interview, kwim? you can decide if you want to take the job, if they offer it to you, or stay with Second Cup when the time comes

... wow... that was the most disjointed post i've ever created. srsly time for me to head to bed (stupid coffee shop shifts are killing me too... lol)


Well-known member
Mostly the co workers are the stress. Sometimes those crazy coffee fanatics... But it's mostly the co-workers yes.

I'm interviewing with them on tuesday... i suppose i should have put that in my original post! Im just so agitated thinking about this situation that i left that out! I'm the kind of person that cant "play it by ear" or let things be. I need to have a game plan... which is why im asking for opinions.

I was thinking of keeping 1 day a week at second cup, but im not off those first 3 months probation, so i think theyd just let me go ya know? If i do leave, or tell them about the other offer, i dont think theyll be very happy with me. I have the feeling theyd just tell me to piss off ya know!?

Thanks for your feedback, and good luck finding something else! Delivering the publics caffine injections can be a scary thing....


Well-known member
Wow, it doesn't sound like Second Cup is a very enjoyable job for you. I know how it feels to dread going to work, and having little interest in the topic plus the bratty co-workers doesn't help. I would say get rid of that job altogether, as soon as you get a new job, whether it be at Sephora or somewhere else. The fact that you're on a makeup forum, not a coffee forum indicates where your interests/passion lies.
I realize that it's not easy, with the uncertain future of the Sephora job, but I think the risk will be worthwhile. Good luck! And hope your hand gets better soon if it hasn't already.


Well-known member
I would go for it! Sephora does make an effort to hold onto employees that are good. I would stay away from the backstage postion though. You will have much less of a chance to prove your selling skills because you will not have a chance to work with clients. I have never heard of a store that kept ops after holiday. Unless you are in a 10 million + store they will not have the budget to keep you.

If you work cash wrap you will not be able to do makeup, still show that you can add on items and build sales. This will turn heads. Be vocal about your intrest in a perm postion. Your managers will like this and if they know you want it they will be more likely to give you a chance to show what you've got!

The better you do the more chance you have!
+ you got a 1st degree burn and your co-workers didn't even care... that's horrible! Even if Sephora doesn't work out for you I would still get out of the job you are in now... they clearly don't care about you and I'm sure you can find something better.
