Neighbors and their gdam barking dogs!!!!!


Well-known member
I recently moved into a new house 1 1/2 weeks ago. And my neighbor who lives in the back of me has 3 dogs. They bark all morning, all afternoon, all night, and im sick of it. Should i call the humane society? The cops? What should i do? Should i go over there and poke trouble?

Two of the dogs have high pitched barks and one of the dog has loww growling barks. I fell asleep at 2am and woke up at 4am because of the gdam dogs!! I've been up since and they are still barking!!! My daughter has to walk around the house covering her ears all day!!!

Oh and p.s. once the dynamic trio starts going at it the other dogs in the neighborhood decide they want to join in and bark too...


Well-known member
are you sure you don't live in Las Vegas? I have the EXACT same problem- with 3 dogs next door that bark incessantly and get the rest of the neighborhood barking (my roommate's dog included- but I put an end to that VERY quickly.) The only dog in the neighborhood that cracks me up when it barks in some dog down the street- it ONLY makes noise when it hears sirens, and then it howls.. it is so adorable for some reason.


Well-known member
You could try politely going over to your neighbor and telling them the problem and that you'd appreciate it if theytook care of it. The cops and/or humane society can't do anything about dogs barking.


Well-known member
^^ I have a feeling they are being neglected... They are tied up all day i dont think they walk the dogs and there is poop everywhere...


Well-known member
Depending on the severity and cirumstances of your situation, you can call the police, the animal control or code enforcement. I called them all. In so many square footage you are allowed so many dogs, so I would also check that out.

I don't know how the laws are in Hawaii but in LA it is illegal to have your dog bark incessantly. I know because I rattled enough til I got it resolved.

Call the police, they should put a dog collar order on them and every time they are called out for a nuisance they get fined, people do not like fines.

If they keep the dogs outside sometimes there are laws in which they have to bring the animal inside if not given the proper enclosure outside, then you call Animal Control.

In my experience Animal Control was a bit lax on keeping the situation in the best interest of the dog... so I called Code Enforcement.

I do not recommend going to the neighbors, anyone in your neighborhood can make the compliant if they are in earshot, it is better not to disrupt people and their family, they tend to get pissy about their babies. But it doesn't mean you should live in hell either.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by xxManBeaterxx
^^ I have a feeling they are being neglected... They are tied up all day i dont think they walk the dogs and there is poop everywhere...

Do you smell dog sh!t!!!! If you do call Code Enforcement. They will make sure they clean it up and be back regularly to check and fine and refine as necessary. I am telling you, I do not take animal neglect lightly, I did my research and had all the neighbors wanting me gone.

I have been through this with a neighbor before, makes my blood boil!


Well-known member
I know in the city I live in, there are noise pollution laws, including laws against dogs barking between 11pm and 7am. You can call and complain to the city bylaw group and they can come up with a solution, whether it's a warning letter, a fine or an ultimatum if they suspect neglect.


Well-known member
If the dogs are disturbing the peace at unreasonable times of the night or morning...Yes, the police will come out and they will ticket them. When I lived in an apt..I had to call the police and they could hear the dogs barking thru the phone at 4am in the morning and they did come out and fined the neighbor for disturbance of the peace. I am sure the dogs were being neglected but had no evidence to prove that....But at least the barking stopped


Well-known member
Do you live in a community where there's an association? If so, you can definitely complain there.


Well-known member
I think disturbance of the peace can be reported no matter where you leave...My brother said they made him put a muzzle on his pit bull at night because he barked so much and he lived in a residential neighborhood....But he is no longer kept outside so he doesn't have to go to such extremes....He liked the warm cozy inside just like my lazy brother....and he is nice and quiet these days


Well-known member
I hate when ppl leave their dogs out ALL the time.

I would say it sounds like a neglectful situation. Those dogs are not just barking for no reason.............. just my opinion.

I would call someone to check out the situation


Well-known member
I would definitely NOT go over there. Your neighbours don't need to know who is complaining. Call animal control or the police.
That is so ignorant.. how does the dog owner sleep?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MACGIRL68
It is my understanding that this is not unusual in Hawaii.

Did you live in hawaii before? A lot of people here own dogs i think 70% of every household owns some sort of pet.. and with zero lots and inconsiderate neighbors it causes problems...

Simply Elegant

Well-known member
Letting your dogs bark anytime is neglectful because the owners aren't socializing them properly. I'd definitely report it.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1127
If the dogs are disturbing the peace at unreasonable times of the night or morning...Yes, the police will come out and they will ticket them. When I lived in an apt..I had to call the police and they could hear the dogs barking thru the phone at 4am in the morning and they did come out and fined the neighbor for disturbance of the peace. I am sure the dogs were being neglected but had no evidence to prove that....But at least the barking stopped

A note to anyone who expects neglect or abuse of any animal. Call Animal Control. They have the right to go and investigate where you cannot.

If the animal looks emaciated, dehydrated, unkept or any other thing that gets your attention CALL them, the pets will thank you for it. So many pets are abused and not given proper care, sometimes it is you and your call that can save them from a bad situation, no animal deserves a crappy existence!

They check the demeanor and overall health of the pet and if they see anything amiss they come back numerous times a week to check until they see improvement. If there are no improvements they get fined. Usually the ones who mistreat animals cannot afford the fines so they hand over the animal(s).

I also wanted to add, the reason why Code Enforcement was called in my case was because we couldn't sit outside on the porch without the smell of dog shit wafting over the fence. We had a bad case of mosquitos and couldn't figure out where they were coming from until one day the girl who would tend to the feeding of the dog and would jump the fence to do so, I heard her ask her friend if the dog's water was supposed to be green. I was infuriated and with no hesitation got on the phone. Also he had this dog in a junk yard, mind you it was a house but he kept a number of items that the dog could and would hurt itself on. I heard it yep so many times, it was so sad, I just couldn't take it anymore.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1127
I think disturbance of the peace can be reported no matter where you leave...My brother said they made him put a muzzle on his pit bull at night because he barked so much and he lived in a residential neighborhood....But he is no longer kept outside so he doesn't have to go to such extremes....He liked the warm cozy inside just like my lazy brother....and he is nice and quiet these days

They made the neighbors put a bark collar on their dog. Or they could keep her inside the house while they were away, the owners chose the collar. It was taken off once and I heard the dog barking when the owners left, when they got back home they had a nice little fine and the collar went back on.


Well-known member
Oh girl Im so sorry, it should be awful, especially in the state you are in

I dont know what to do much, but here we have the same rule - you cant make noise from 11 pm to 7 am, and since they are making it all the time, you can call the police, maybe they will fine the owner, and after it happends enough of times, he will find what to do with his own dogs!
