Neutral quad colour recommendations?


New member
Hi, I'm looking for recommendations for neutral colours to fill a quad palette. I'm NC15, skintone is cool. I have dark blue eyes and medium brown hair. I want to be able to create 2 or 3 looks with one palette, mostly subtle daytime looks that I can wear to work and then build up for a night out. I absolutely love copperplate and would really like to include it, and I like omega as well. I just have no idea what to pair them with! I don't need highlight/inner corner colours, and am leaning towards pale lid colours with cool-toned matte browns for the crease (though matte isn't a necessity). A MAC artist from the website recommended ricepaper on the lid and patina in the crease, and although I'm not keen on patina (sacrilege I know!) I quite like ricepaper so any suggestions to go with that would be welcome. Can anyone help?


Well-known member
What about naked lunch (lid color), Wedge (crease color) which is a very soft matte brown with some pink undertone to it

Expresso is also a great darker shade of matte brown u can consider for the crease area. I personally like sketch which is more of a plum-brown color, but use it sparingly for a day time look. It is gorgeous for a smokey eye look though and pairs very well with light shade of base colors