new and need recs!


Active member
I used to live in the "city" where I had access to a MAC MA, now I don't and am helpless on my own. Can anyone give me some e/s suggestions for the new Idol eyes collection. I have to order online now and don't have a clue. I don't know what to e/s I should pair together as base, crease, etc. I have green eyes, dark brown hair and wear studio fix in C4. Any other e/s shadow combos you could reccomend would be great. Thanks for your help.


Well-known member
Satellite Dreams would be lovely on you. pair it with Da Bling!



Well-known member
I second that, since I have green eyes too and absolutely loooove Satellite Dreams. Also check out Knight Divine and Moon's Reflection. stars n rockets is a really funky color too.

Originally Posted by rouquinne
Satellite Dreams would be lovely on you. pair it with Da Bling!



Ms. Z

Well-known member
Satellite Dreams, LOVE IT!

I love, Love, LOVE Satellite Dreams, it's the only MAC shade of purple I have ever been able to wear. I have olive skin and brown eyes and its one of the only shades of purple that doesn't make me look like I have been beat up. I have been wearing it with Crystal Avalanche (rep convinced me to buy it, I'm glad he did) and black eyeliner and/or the only other shade of purple I like called Rare Gem (by Interface).