New Camera + Free Day = 2 EOTD


Well-known member
I'm incredibly gleeful with my new camera, no more editing color to get them right (yay!). Sadly, our main computer still casts a shadow, so I'm not sure how well these pix will look for you guys. Lmao and it was kinda funny - I took like 40 pictures b/c I'm so used to having none turn out and they all did, but wow that flash is super bright, so I won't be doing that again lol.


- Brassy Fluidline
- Goldmine e/s
- Samoa Silk e/s
- Embark e/s
- Sensualize e/s
- Coco pig.
- Cranberry e/s (I didn't like how this turned out, it was supposed to be a thin line)
- Blurr e/s
- Boot Black l/l
- Glamourgold Glitterliner


- Brassy Fluidline
- Lucky Green e/s
- Metamorph e/s
- Guacamole e/s
- Steamy e/s (I hate this stupid thing, couldn't get it or Paradisco to show today no matter how hard I tried)
- Humid e/s
- Tendermental e/s
- Blurr e/s
- Boot Black l/l

No mascara today b/c I was too laz to put it on
So, yeah, they were brighter in person

PS Got a MAC interview coming up (really did not expect them to call, but very thankful). Any ideas for what I should do as a look? I keep jumping back and forth between ideas, but am leaning towards this:



Well-known member
Originally Posted by fireatwill
very nice!! pleaseee keep us updated on how you do, im always so interested!

Thanks and will do. I'm excited and nervous at once, so I'm brushing up on my retail (I barely have any so that's where my nerves are coming in lol)

Originally Posted by KJam
I love the last one!

Thanks I think that's one of my all times faves I've done