New geek waves hi!


Well-known member
Just a quick delurk/intro-

I have popped in a few times over the last year mostly to scope out information, as I know that this is the definitive MAC resource! But, I had never joined, up until last night.

I am not a huge hoarder and my looks tend not to be very adventurous. I would like to become at least a tad more adventurous in my use of color (if you could see how many neutral shadows I own you would be disgusted). I tend to buy mostly mid to high-end makeup, in real moderation. I stick with something when I like it, and tend not to like things if I veer to far from my comfort zone.

The only other forum that I am active on is

I live in Brooklyn, NY (thank god the strike is over!) with my bf and our two cats.

That's it for now. I look forward to learning a lot here and drooling over all of the pics!


Well-known member
Hi, bonjour, hallo, hola, ciao inbigtrouble and welcome to Specktra!


I'm sure you'll have as much fun here as we have everyday!
