New here and question about flute e/s


New member
hey there,

first of all I want to say sorry for my bad english. I'm from Germany and learned English in school so it's not that good.

Can someone show me a picture of flute eyeshadow? I know it's discontinued and I'm looking for something similar to it.

Hopefully someone can help me out.

Thanks so much. You guys are great!

greetings from germany


Well-known member
In April 1995
I guess. Its a pink, isn´t it?


Well-known member
Welcome to Specktra! Did you try doing a forum search? I remember seeing a thread that someone was selling one, and it had a picture. If I remember right it was a very light pink.


New member
@ banjobama yes i already searched through the forums but didn't find anything...

I'm sucked into this whole twilight hype and the makeup artist said, she used Blanc Type, Flute and Wedge on Kristen Stewart (Bella).


Well-known member
ahh Shoeaddict, you're so cute! I hope you find Phloof if you don't already have it. It's funny, a couple days ago, some of us were talking about MAC names that sound different from how they look. Phloof was one of them! heehee because you have to say it "Floof" which sounds a lot like "flute"!

have a good day!!


Well-known member
It WAS flute, not phloof!. Girlie is a shade that's similar. If you look at her makeup in the movie, phloof! doesn't really fit. There was no shimmer or frost. I've looked at several reliable sites that say it's flute. That makes more sense with the look she has in the movie. When I was trying to find the actual colors, I found a blog that had been saying phloof! was a color, but they corrected it saying that the source they got the whole phloof! thing from said that it "couldn't be Flute because that shade isn't on the MAC website, so it must be Phloof! because they sound similar." lol Not even realizing that there are TONS of MAC eye shadows that are no longer available on the website because they were LE or DC'd. So I guess that's where the whole Phloof! thing came from.