New Kids On The Block Making A Comeback


Well-known member
I ALWAYS HATED them...even when I was young...I couldn't ever even stand them! ! I thought it was SO funny when, toward the 'end' the their popularity, one of them actually fell through a stage!!!!


Well-known member
I liked them when I was younger, but have outgrown that and don't want to go back


Well-known member
I saw Jordan Knight's "NKOTB REMIX TOUR" at the House of Blues on New Years Day 2004 I believe. It was terrible! He had this sidekick guy who stunk. And he remoxed Hanging Tough to a reggae funk mix. Sucked! He kept saying he was hungover and didn't know the lyrics. He looked hot tho. He played some original NKOTB songs. He said he would call up the girls he saw singing the most. We, he never did! No encore even. It was only $15 lol. The concert consisted of gals in their early 20s lol. I wore an old skool Joey button.

I would def go to the reunion. Hells yea.


Well-known member
Didn't Jordan have yellow teeth? Ick. I'm not sure these kids can do a comeback - it's like sequels, nothing is as good as the original.


Well-known member
i was watching chelsea lately and this guest was on and shes like "NKOTB, they should rename themselves old men on the street!" it was so funny.