new looks !!


Well-known member
shroom , gorgeous gold , amber lights , humid , carbon

delft paint pot , vanilla pigment , swimming , golder's green pig , deep truth , softwash grey pig and carbon
glitter liner saucepot
blush dollymix + msf glissade
flash of flesh lipglass

paint pot rubenesque , ricepaper , firespot , cranberry , apricot pink pigment and smoke signal pigment
lipglass illicit

shroom , rondelle , azreal blue pig , bang on blue , wait till dark

shroom , acid orange pig , bright fushia pig , pink freeze , violet pig , blue storm

shroom , phloof! , azreal blue pig , fade , deep truth
l/s oh sheer up! and lustreglasss instant gold



Well-known member
I am in love with all of these looks ...... love the first one and going to try it for myself
keep posting, they're so inspirational!