New member from across the pond!


Active member
Hello everyone,

I just joined up and thought I'd introduce myself real quick.

My name is Gemma, I'm from England, and after 22 years on this earth I'm only just now getting into makeup. I've been wearing it on and off for a while, true, but it's been in the last few weeks or so that I've really made an effort to become more skilled at application whilst using high quality products (instead of drugstore knock-offs).

I have a nice little bundle of MAC and Nars products that I LOVE. They actually started this crazy little love affair of mine. I decided I needed a red lipstick, found the wonderful Nars lipstick Flaming Dust, and of course decided I needed some decent eyeshadow to go with it. Friends had been telling me to get my ass into a MAC store years ago, so off I went! Now I keep plotting return visits and scraping up the pennies for more goodies.

Aside from my new beauty obsession, I'm getting married next year to a fabulous American man and will then be emigrating to the US (probably Boston or Ohio).
I'm a herpetologist in training and own a variety of reptiles with my fiance, ranging from the very small (4 inch long geckos) to the very large (9ft boa constrictor). My precious baby is a 3 year old bearded dragon who I raised from a hatchling. Her name is Squishy.

I write for fun, run, cycle, knit, read voraciously, and I'm about to start Yoga and Bellydancing classes. I work part-time as an exam invigilator at secondary school, and in admin/secretarial work.

I'm sure there are people here who I have much in common with, so


Well-known member
Hello Gemma. Welcome to specktra. Thanks for the wonderful introduction. Congratulations on your upcoming wedding and move to the states.


Well-known member
Welcome and thanks for the great intro, congrats on the upcoming wedding.
It's great here and just think that when you move to the US the price of mac is gonna seem like a steal!


Active member
Thank you to all for the warm welcome!
I am very excited about my upcoming wedding, and the planning is a lot of fun (though occasionally stressful).

Originally Posted by Jot
Welcome and thanks for the great intro, congrats on the upcoming wedding.
It's great here and just think that when you move to the US the price of mac is gonna seem like a steal!


It actually works out cheaper to buy MAC from the US website, have it shipped to my fiance, and then shipped to me. The mark-up in the UK made my eyes bug out.

I'm in Ohio right now, actually, since I've spent the last 3 months with my fiance and this is where I've been buying my MAC. There's a little store at the local mall with fabulous MAs who are always very helpful.