New pics of my babygirl...


Well-known member
Here are some 3d ultrasound pics of my little princess...

lol that's her toe on the far right hand side...


Well-known member
i was so excited to get these done! It was fun getting to see her...unfortunately these are blurry. She was laying right under the placenta and it was getting in the we couldn't get a pic of her head on. They gave me these but I jsut got my money back cuz I figured she wasn't going to move. Then, later on that night...she switched just like a child to do what she wants whenever she wants hahahhaa....I still love these pics though. She looks like me when I was a baby....


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Jot
These are so amazing. Bet you can't wait for her to arrive x

I AM SO ANXIOUS! LOL I'm just counting down the days. I only have a little less than 2 months left. I'm terrified of labor but, i still can't wait for her to be here.


Well-known member
Awww, how precious. I remeber being so happy and sad during my pregnancy, but it's every exciting, and scary. But it's worthwild But Take things slow and enjoy every minute even the crying and the diaper changing. They grow so fast I remember finding out I was pregnant Christmas Day 2000, and now my son is almost 7 years old. Wow that was fast. Don't be scared of labor, no woman has the exact same labor, whatever you do walk alot and have sex this will help your body open up naturally. Don't let them induce your labor, trust me you will regret it. I was in labor for 12 hours, my cervix only opened to 3cm which is nothing when it should be at 12 to past the baby, after 12 hours they decided to do a C-Section only because my cervix started to swell and they were afraid of infection, but all in all, they begain inducing my labor on 8/1/01 my son was supposed to come on 8/3/01, lol... needless to say he came on 8/13/01 at 6:38pm... If you get Braxton Hicks Contractions that's a good sign you will go into labor on your own, I never felt a Braxton Hicks contraction, but I wasn't sexually active either, so I say good luck to you, and hope you and your bundle of joy are happy and healthy.