New to make-up *shock horror*


New member
Hi! I'm Lis from the UK. I'm 25 and tbh never really bothered with make-up before. I'm a bit of a hopeless case really as it took me till last year to learn to put on eyeliner!! If I'm going out I'll stick on eyeliner, mascara and lipgloss but I want to be more adventurous and make an effort everyday. I'm not afraid of bright colours and I guess I do love attention so bold statement looks would be cool for me too at some point.

What I would like to know is what products would you recommend for a starting point?? For someone with no real make up products at the moment other than brown eyeliner, brown mascara and a slightly pink tinted lipgloss. Would a photo help for some tips?

Please take me under your wing and teach me the way of being a proper girlie

Thank you!!!


Well-known member
Ricepaper or Shroom - highlighting
Woodwinked - everyday colour
Plum Dressing - I love this colour
Blacktrack fluidline - e/l
Black Tied or Carbon - for smokey eye
Bare Study paintpot - Use it everyday. My e/s last for ages.

I don't know about your colouring or what you prefer for lippies, glosses and blushes but below are my faves

Wonderstruck l/g, Love Nectar l/g
Sweetie l/s or Bombshell l/s, or Lovelorn l/s
Melba, Peachykeen, Pinch O Peach blush

I hope this helps. The top 6 are staples for me besides Plum Dressing. I just love that colour.


Well-known member
^^Those are all great basic colors! If you want brights, try Humid or Juxt for green, Satellite Dreams or Parfait Amour for purples, Swish or Sushi Flower for pinks, and Shimmermoss or Freshwater for blues.

Slicked Pink and Jellybabe Lipgelees are a great light pink glosses. Cellopink Lipgelee is awesome, too (it's really bright in the tube, but goes on nice and sheer). Pinkarat Lustreglass is also a really pretty clean pink.

I love Mocha just gives a nice, understated pink flush. But blush is really going to be dependent on your skin coloring...I'm pretty pale, so I tend to stick with light pink or peach blushes. I'll venture into pale corals if I want something a bit different, but if you have light skin, you can't get away with too much.


Well-known member
hey welcome to specktra

theres plenty of posts about basic mac items
but if you could give us your hair, eye, skin colours that would be great help! even a picture x


New member
thanks!! I barely have eyebrows they are very pale, I don't know what to do with them. I'm always very jealous of girls with dark beautifully shaped ones. Think I might have to go shopping
trouble is I left my bankcard at my parents house!!
Will head back tomorrow and collect in then take a trip to my local MAC retailer

I want to grow my hair and get a fringe like this one... this is exciting!!


Well-known member
I'd say that learning to fill in your eyebrows a bit should be your next step. It would make a remarkable difference.


New member
thank you! whats best for that? the MAC shader powders?? I tried onces with a pencil thingy but made myself look angry


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lisx
thank you! whats best for that? the MAC shader powders?? I tried onces with a pencil thingy but made myself look angry

I personally prefer to use an eyeshadow to fill in brows. When you go to MAC, take a look at the eyeshadows, and pick a color that is about one shade darker than your brows (I wouldn't go any darker than two shades). Use an angled brush (similar to MAC's 208) to fill in your brows and you can set them with clear mascara or brow gel (if you want, it's not a must - I don't). I've used the colored brow gels and cream pencils, but for me, I prefer the softness a shadow gives (like you said, I thought the pencils and brow gels were too harsh). But make sure any powder/eyeshadow you use is a matte-like finish - nothing shimmery or glittery. For reference, the shadow I use has a satin finish.


Well-known member
Yes, I would definitely fill in the brows! I just use the Rimmel brand eyebrow pencil because it has an eyebrow brush attached to the's great. I recently dyed my hair about 3 shades darker so I got a black eyebrow pencil and it looks good. If I were you I'd get a light brown shade, maybe an auburn one, something like this:

Rimmel : Eyes : Professional Eyebrow Pencil

IMHO I wouldn't spend a bunch of money on an eyebrow pencil or product, but that's just me. The cheap stuff does the job well enough for me


Active member
you have amazing skin and your lips are to die for, I would definately go with the greens for more bright shades, and have a look on youtube for tutorials for eyebrows and how to define them well, a good rule of thumb, other than the above suggestion for shade, is they should begin above your inner corner of your eyes, the arch or highest point should be just above your iris, and they should end at the outer corner of your eye...

its tough to imagine without a picture tutorial, but there are great videos on youtube about this...

i think that fringe would suit you very nicely, please post pictures when you get it done!!!