new to specktra


hey guys anyone else watchin the superbowel??? go colts!!!

im a mac addict trying to reform. cus as u all know makeup aint cheap.
. and goodness is it hard... im hitting up 2 malls tomorrow treating myself to a few lush items and probably one new ombre blush i hope i can control myself and walk out with just that....

this site is really fun and organized compared to others. there is a lot of knowledgeable members on this site and i look forward to learning new tricks and tips..

Its nice to talk to and read about people that have a passion for beauty products like i do!!!!
Hello! I always say never outdo the number of pretty smelly things for things that make us just as pretty as we smell! Be equal to the both sides of us that do so much for everyone else. We deserve it too! Glad to meet you!


Well-known member
Welcome!! I loooove Lush!! We only have one, and its all the way on the other side of town... but its a trip I happily make!