newbie ----->needs desperately help!!!


Well-known member
hey girls......well as i wrote im a newbie i try to be creative but i lack in experience...well ill be quick...

i want to know if liquid e/s stay more than the normal ones?
then im looking for a sticky lipgloss i want a super sticky i luv them i like mac's l/s but i was wondering if there is any other better......

thats all.......for now!

pls help me im dying to know...........


Well-known member
then im looking for a sticky lipgloss i want a super sticky i luv them i like mac's l/s but i was wondering if there is any other better......

A super sticky lip gloss is Victoria's Secret sweet talk lip gloss (more sticky than Macs). These are discontinued, but you can still find them on ebay. You want the clear ones (they come in different flavors), those are the sticky ones..the ones with shimmer in them are not sticky.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MACATTAK
A super sticky lip gloss is Victoria's Secret sweet talk lip gloss (more sticky than Macs). These are discontinued, but you can still find them on ebay.

well i have a problem with ebay...cause i asked my mom for a gift card...and now that i got kinda scared of ordering cause i live in greece and i dont know if there is shipping available here...apart from that i dont know how to change the $$$ in euros!

thanx hunny for responding soo fast..........

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
Do you mean liquid eyeliner? I never heard of liquid eyeshadow.

Liquid eyeliner stays a lot longer on me than powder. Liquid actually stays on a teensy bit longer than Fluidline, but it's much more work for me to apply liquid. I usually have to be very careful and wait for it to dry.


Well-known member
I have some liquid eyeshadow... it's called Maybelline Cool Effects.

Personally, I'm not a big fan. I can't speak for other brands, but this stuff does NOT dry overly quick and you have to sit with your eye closed for a minute (or else it creases and blotches). Throughout the day it tends to "flake" off (I can't really think of a better way to say it... it's kinda like eye dandruff!) and fades really quick.

Hope that helps


Well-known member
Originally Posted by VeXedPiNk
I have some liquid eyeshadow... it's called Maybelline Cool Effects.this stuff does NOT dry overly quick and you have to sit with your eye closed for a minute

first i have to thank u..well my sis got a nivea liquid e/s and its really good i used it and lasted for 7 hours..thats why i became curious abut learning abut liq e/s...thanx again