night ripper


Well-known member
first and foremost. I acknowledge that my eyebrows are AWFUL right now. and my skin isn't doing so hot either. I got back from coachella yesterday morning. and we camped. and any attempt at personal hygiene/maintenance there is more or less for naught. but hurr it goes.

I got invited to the strange hybrid event in national city! so I went. and I did my makeup. none of it impressed me terribly. I just bought flowerplay lipstick. the dark purple e/s was pretty, I might end up buying that too.







EYES. udpp. llama e/s. rio de rosa e/s. aquadisiac e/s. blue pig. moth brown e/s. shroom e/s. playful e/s. passionate e/s. carbon e/s. club e/s. juxt e/s. blacktrack fluidline. fascinating kohl. gesso e/s.
FACE. prep+prime face. mineralize satinfinish foundation. natural msf. studio finish concealer. maidenchant blush. lightscapade msf.
BROWS. spiked brow pencil. charcoal/maple shader. clear brow finisher.
LIPS. dervish liner. house of style lipstick. magnificent lipglass.


Well-known member
Wow...I've never seen a subtle rainbow look. I really really like this. I couldn't do a rainbow look if my life depended on it, so I love looking at other people's. Very awesome & very cool! I love it!


Well-known member
mu is great. i love the eye-mu. combo is great and i like the style...lips are great as well.