Nose jobs


Well-known member
The one thing I actually adore about girls face is little noses.

My nose I wouldnt consider big atall but I would like it smaller..would they still be able to do that or can they only do it if you have a big nose to begin with?

Has anyone had personal experience with this?
This isnt something today I just decided I thought about it for ages now I definatly wouldnt get it done for atleast a year or two yet but I just wanted to learn abit more about from people who perhaps have had it done or know someone who has had it done? x


Well-known member
I can't share any experiences with you. But I can't imagine why they couldn't make your nose smaller. I don't think it matters if your nose is big, small or in between, they can probably still do it.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by CantAffordMAC
I can't share any experiences with you. But I can't imagine why they couldn't make your nose smaller. I don't think it matters if your nose is big, small or in between, they can probably still do it.

oo I hope so! Its just I thought some surgeons might be annoying and like not understand why you want a smaller nose unless you had a massive bump in it or something lol


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Sar
oo I hope so! Its just I thought some surgeons might be annoying and like not understand why you want a smaller nose unless you had a massive bump in it or something lol

LoL they won't be annoyed, they're getting your money.


Well-known member
Research the docs and go and get a consultation. The best noses, big or small are ones that fit your facial features. Also keep in mind that noses and ears continue to grow throughout your life, so you may have to go back someday for a touch up.


Well-known member
^ Um, really? So if you're an adult who has finished growing, like say 30, and you get your nose done, it might grow after? That sounds absurd, I've never heard that before....

But yeah, I do agree that you really need to ask this question to a doctor and get a consultation, none of us (afaik) are plastic surgeons and won't know the answer to that.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MissChievous
^ Um, really? So if you're an adult who has finished growing, like say 30, and you get your nose done, it might grow after? That sounds absurd, I've never heard that before....

But yeah, I do agree that you really need to ask this question to a doctor and get a consultation, none of us (afaik) are plastic surgeons and won't know the answer to that.

No, the nose doesn't actually grow back, but after surgery sometimes the skin settles back... i saw it on an episode of extreme makeover. I'm pretty sure though rhinoplasty lasts forever since the bone doesn't grow back. That would be horrible!
Maybe if you don't pay your doctors bills they come and get you and do a reverse surgery, lol..


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MissChievous
^ Um, really? So if you're an adult who has finished growing, like say 30, and you get your nose done, it might grow after? That sounds absurd, I've never heard that before....

But yeah, I do agree that you really need to ask this question to a doctor and get a consultation, none of us (afaik) are plastic surgeons and won't know the answer to that.

There's evidence to suggest that even after adulthood, the cartilage in the ears and nose doesn't stop growing, though it does grow at a slower rate than during childhood.

Ms. Z

Well-known member
Yes, much to my horror, I have heard that on programs on TV; supposedly our appendages (not sure if this is spelled correctly) keep growing as we age (feet, ears, nose, etc…). This is only good news for men.

FYI: I checked a few photos of relatives, AUGH!!!!


Well-known member
It all goes back to beauty being determinde my how youthful you look. Having a big nose and having big ears are seen as "unattractive" because as time goes on they do grow and it shows age. As much as I would love to say " you're beautiful the way you are and you shouldn't get anything done" I do aspire to be a plastiv surgeon oneday. I've also had problems with my nose because it looks kindof bulbous (sp?)
at the tip. But it's what fts my face and a little countouring along the side can fix it!


Well-known member
Check to see if the doc is a member of the
American Board of Plastic Surgery !! lots of docs out the performing plastic surgery and not even board certified. But follow up on the doctors qualifications and track record.

do research on whichever doctor you choose. ASk lots of questions how many times they did the specific surgery you want ... can you see before and afters of their work ? ask if you can speak to other patient that may have ahd the same surgery you want "?

and have realistic expectations.


I had an nose job last summer. I didn't have a big nose to begin with, but my nostrils were really big and that annoyed me because I'm really tall (i.e., a lot of people were at eye level with my gigantic nostrils). When I met with the plastic surgeon he asked if that was all I wanted changed, and I figured if I was going under the knife might as well get my bump taken out to get that nice cute nose. To make my nostrils smaller he had to take the tip in and then take a wedge out of the sides of my nostrils and make them smaller. So, my not-big-to-begin-with nose was made a bit smaller.

The nose doesn't have to be a pelican-beak to go under surgery. It's just that girls with those noses are the most common ones to go in for surgery.

Be warned that some people get mad bruising. One of my friends also had her nose done (she happened to have a pelican beak) and she looked like someone beat the hell out of her for a month. I didn't bruise at all, but my left eye was swollen shut for a few days. So just be advised that you're not a pretty site for a while.

Also, with rhinoplasty, your nose stays swollen for months. I had my surgery 5 months ago and it still looks different every month because the swelling's still going down.

With regard to the comment about the skin going back to the way it was, it can happen a few weeks after surgery and then you can get scar tissue underneath which means the rhinoplasty was a waste. My surgeon warned me about this and told me I had to do these weird massages on my nose to make sure that there was blood running and that there wasn't scar tissue forming. So I'm on my way to a cute little button nose =)

Feel free to pm me if you have any other questions if you decide to go through with it


Well-known member
I'm reviving this thread because I'm going to a consultation for rhinoplasty at the end of the month. I'm only able to take a week off work to do my rhinoplasty so I'm wondering what type of make-up I can use to cover the bruising? Am I even able to use cosmetics? I was just thinking of getting full coverage foundation from the MAC store but I know that everyday the bruises change colors so idk how that'll cover. Any tips?

Oh and anyone who has had rhinoplasty or quoted for rhinoplasty, how much did you pay? I've been reading online that the average is $4,500 but of course in the Bay Area everything is over priced. I was quoted $8,000 at Stanford and there's no way I can afford that. So I'm going to another doctor to see costs.

Anyone do it in SoCal? That's close enough for me to travel to.


Well-known member
Hi there, I just got a nose job on January 28th, 2008, exactly three weeks ago, and I'm so much happier now then I ever was. I had a large nose with a HUGE HUMP and it was CROOKED too. According to the doctor my nose was broken... He asked me if I had ever hit my nose anywhere or any time in my life, and I've hit it 4 times in my 25 years of life, he said your nose doesn't have to bleed to be broken. You can break bones and cause them to shift to one side, which causes the crooked appearance of my nose.

I took a picture of Alicia Keys' nose to the doctor and told him that I wanted her profile and her perfect nose.
He gave me her nose and she has a small nose compared to my nose. Now when I turn to the side the hump in my nose is gone. He did a lot of work to my nose I don't look or feel like the same peson I use to be. I feel BETTER about myself, and the healing time wasn't too bad for me, there was barely and pain,except for when the doctor took off my Splint a.k.a. the cast on my nose, he took it off a week after the surgery and I cried like a little bitch, it was painful, but here I am I'm happy and healthy. Just remember the healing process for a nose job takes about a year, because your nose needs a while to really see the difference, nose jobs take the longest healing process / results to see what it will really look like.

As soon a I have some time this week I am going to make a seperate post to let you all know about my nose job I will include before and after pictures and everything.

If you have anymoe questions please let me know


Well-known member
Originally Posted by amoona
I'm reviving this thread because I'm going to a consultation for rhinoplasty at the end of the month. I'm only able to take a week off work to do my rhinoplasty so I'm wondering what type of make-up I can use to cover the bruising? Am I even able to use cosmetics? I was just thinking of getting full coverage foundation from the MAC store but I know that everyday the bruises change colors so idk how that'll cover. Any tips?

Oh and anyone who has had rhinoplasty or quoted for rhinoplasty, how much did you pay? I've been reading online that the average is $4,500 but of course in the Bay Area everything is over priced. I was quoted $8,000 at Stanford and there's no way I can afford that. So I'm going to another doctor to see costs.

Anyone do it in SoCal? That's close enough for me to travel to.

Hi Amoona, I'm so happy for you.

I did mine here in San Bernardino County So Cal, and I went to my mothers Plastic Surgeon he's done 4 plastic surgeries on my mother. If you want his name just PM me.