NW 45 in DESPERATE NEED of Blush Combos!!!


Active member
Hello Ladies!

Over the past 2-3 weeks I have purchase 3 MSFs from 2 lovely ladies of Specktra (THANK YOU Allthingsgirl and Juneplum!!!) I also have several blushes. I am NW45 and am having problems coming up with blush combos. PLEASE HELP ME!!!

Here are the MSFs:
So Ceylon
Light Flush

My Blushes:
MAC SuperDuperNatural Mineralized Blush
NARS Taj Mahal
NARS Desire
Milani Sunset Beach
Milani Mai Tai

I want to get more use out of my blushes instead of just staring at them (although they ARE pretty
) !

WHAT DO I DO?!?!?!?!?!


Well-known member
You have some great blushes for your start. I started out small then got addicted and went crazy. I use Warmed MSF a lot during the summer and fall seasons because it gives that bronzy glow. Scandalous Beauty has a tutorial on this as an eyeshadow. Warmed colors work great as eyeshadows too!

I use Taj Mahal as a blush and sometimes as a highlighter. It is a gorgeous color. For me So Ceylon is hard to work with because it doesn't show much on my skintone.

HTH with some ideas...


Active member
Thanks afulton! I never used to like blush and then BOOM!!!!

Today I wore Milani Sunset Beach (which is similar to Taj Mahal without the sparkle) with Warmed as a brow bone and cheek highlight. But I think I buffed out the highlight on muy cheek too much cause I cant see it...LOL! Oh well Practice makes perfect!

I havent touched So Ceylon yet...it looks so pretty :)

I'll have to check out Scandalous Beauty. I am a big fan of hers. Im anxious to see what she may suggest as well.