Nylon or Ricepaper?


Well-known member
nylon! looks so hot if ur tan
ricepaper if ur lighter.


Well-known member
Depends on your skintone. I am NW43 and I use both, just depends on the effect I want.


Well-known member
I would say Nylon by a long shot. I love it. It's bright and works well on the inner corner of eyes. If your a make up person and like to wear night time looks in the day. If not and you are more comfortable wearing little make up, I'd go for rice paper. But I bought rice paper and prefer shroom or phloof to it. So I say NYLON


Well-known member
I have both and love them both!

ricepaper doesn't have the sparkle nylon has so it goes nicely with all es
nylon is amazing too, i wear it with greens and it's an awesome tear duct colour.


Well-known member
tough question! i love them both.. Nylon for highlighting & Ricepaper as an all-over color to give that pearly polished look.. i dont think Ricepaper is good for highlighting because its too 'yellow'


Well-known member
Neither, get yourself Crystal Avalanche or Dazzlelight. The texture is WAY better.


Thanks everyone for the suggestions...I think I might get both!!! I had Nylon a while ago and it fell or something, but I remember loving it....and I was also looking for a non-glittery all over neutral color, so I think Ricepaper will do the trick...

Question....Which neutrals go nicely with ricepaper???


Well-known member
Nylon is the first eyeshadow I ever got from MAC and I still love it, I reach for it almost every day.


I adore ricepaper and it works on my NW20-25 skin really well. I reach for it every day and I even highlight outside the brow with it. Nylon looked kinda scary in the store when I swatched it but if it's so well loved may give than a go too! Any excuse to buy more...