***~NYX pigments and10$ pallet from Ebay Makeover~***PIC HEAVY!!

so i did a makeover on my girlfriends becuase ive been wanting to practice on different types of eyes.. i used Vasalene as a base and then NYX pigments! i love them! the colour is soo vibrant! also i bought this pallet off of ebay for 10 dollars with 96 colours.. the pans are SUPER tiny. but the colours are soo pigmented that i have no problem using them at all!!! please i need CC cuase my girls are tryin to get me to get business cards .. they wants to whore me out to their friends too!! lol

here are about three looks and a picture of the two with everyday makeup on


my two lovely girls!!


a night out..


and makeover night


i call this one **Light of Pheonx




and this one.. im thinking deep sea



so please some good CC let me know what i can work on or whatever u think.. ive just only started working on a couple girls and trying to get my confidence up and i want more practice.. i hope u guys like it.. and remember

ITS ALL WITH NYX and a 10 dollar Pallet!! the only mac i used was for the brows, fluidline and blush!! thanks guys!!


Well-known member
The first girl's makeup is rockin! I think a diffferent highlight on the second girl would make the look even better. Nice job!


Well-known member
my favorite is the green and yellow picture. it is great i lvoe it. the other one is also fabulous but bright colors catch me. plus it looks great w the shirt that shes wearing.