Odd, is this a good sign?


Well-known member
Hello everyone! Not to toot my own horn, but I keep getting asked to do an interview.

I have been to 2 counters and one f/s where they asked me if I could do an interview for them, and were getting ready to set up a time and everything, when I had to tell them I was too young.

Is this a good sign for the future?

I really enjoy the cosmetic industry, and hope to continue into it. How should I continue to practice/get myself ahead so when it comes time to actually interview, I will be in good hands?

Thanks everyone!


Well-known member
I think thats a great sign. They must think that you are skilled enough to be a MAC artist if they keep asking you...and you don't even apply for it.


Well-known member
OBVIOUSLY its a great sign if professionals go out of their way to get you to work them. Just keep practicing, get some sort of resume ready (i gues) and I'm sure you'll get hired!


Well-known member
I think it is a very good sign. If I was you I would start getting a portfolio together! I would do anyone's makeup who would let me and snap a picture, then when you are ready, you already look like a professional.


Well-known member
Do you have any retail experience? Even if you are too young to work for MAC you might not be too young to work in cosmetics. If you're at least 16 you can apply at Macy's and work in the cosmetics department. That'll give you some much needed experience so when you are ready to apply at MAC you'll have something to put on your resume.


Well-known member
Thanks everyone!

Retail experience sounds like something I could do. I think Sephora hires people at 16, which would be nice to do something there (even if it is just cashier or something.)

If anyone has anymore tips, let me know! Thanks!


Well-known member
That is such an incredible sign!! That the MAC people want you!!

Agreeing with everyone else, getting some form of retail experience will prepare you for handling customers--happy and disgruntled. And if you can get a job in cosmetics retail, all the better!! Try to see if you can have friends and family be 'models' and build up a portfolio, like divinedime said. You can take that with you wherever you go.

OOOO! I'm so excited for you!!