OH LORD!!! Could anyone help me put my new black e/s to some good use??


Well-known member

Im soooo notttt happy.Just spent a fortune on this NYX e/s trio(called CERAMIC).Its got these 3 shades of black
ne's dark greyish,almost matte..2nd is a darker grey with almost unnoticeable shimmer.And the third is very dark grey,almost black with some shimmer(glitter?)The three shades do not vary from eachother too much in colour...only intensity...though theres no highlighter in the trio.

Umm...i've always dreaded not being able to do a black smokey eye,coz i think its the hardest!!Other colours are easier.
When i tried it this morning,i managed to pull somethingggg off, but its not exactly the kind of look i'd pay 11 dollars for(yeah, where i live NYX costs that much...such a rip off!!).

I badly wish i'd gotten some other trio with atleast a variety of colours.Boring,dull black!!I look like i have soot all over my eyes.(cheeks and nose too)..Or maybe i dont know how to use the stuff.
So..could anyone come up with ideas on how to put the crap to use??? how do i do a decent smokey eye with it?
(the quality is amazing, by the way.Gives mac a run for its money)
(im NC 35/37...dark brown eyes)
please help!!!!!!!


Well-known member
I really think you should reconsider. Smoky eyes in black, whether it´s deep or soft in color, is a makeup classic; just like red lipstick, it´s the ultimate glamour makeup look, but you have to get used to it, and find a shade and way to suit you. And I feel your pain, NYX is also expensive where I live. Therefore, don´t throw your trio away; instead, sit in front of the mirror when you have some extra time and experiment: black e/s just as a liner, as an outer V color, or maybe all over the lid and crease for the smoldering look? I´m sure you´ll come up with something, you can´t go wrong with black eyeshadow.


Well-known member
I looked at the trio on their website. I don't know how accurate the swatches are. It appeared there is a light grey, medium grey, and a black. At least that is what they looked like on their site. It would depend on your eye shape for the best application. For me, I put the lightest on my eyelid & as a highlighter. The medium would define the crease and the black on the v and as a liner.

Others may want the medium on the lid and the lightest as a highlighter. The darkest one would be put on the V and line the eyes.

You could could try different color bases and/or brushing a shimmering color on top like a silver e/s or a pigment.


Well-known member
If you feel it's too intense, then only use a bit of the darkest black, and play it up with a brighter color of your choice (something like an Amber Lights or Jewel Blue or Iris Eyes, whatever vivid color you choose.)