ok im at a roadblock in my skincare, theres way 2 many products out there !!!!! :/


Well-known member
well ive been using neutrogena foaming face cleanser, and it kept all my acne at bay.. i loved it, but the past week, ive gotten some acne here and there, its so bothersome, and ive been using mac foundation daily , so ive stopped using it for awhile and have been using my silk naturals foundation...

anyways, idk where 2 go now, bc yes the cleanser got rid of my acne, but nothing ive used had really imprioved the oveall appearence of my skin.. i have uneven skintone, and dark marks left behiond from acne...

someone said 2 try avons microderm abrasion thingy, so i did and i got a huge under the skin pinmple on my chin, i didnt mess with it either, and it still eft a huge dark brown spot on my chin, so im so down about it :/

so what products should i look into 2 improve my skin? theres way 2 many products out there 2 know :/


Well-known member
I'm assuming you have oily skin if you are acne prone. You basically need a skin care regimen. A cleanser is just not enough to keep acne from reappearing.

I would start with a clay based cleanser. The clay breaks up the oils in your face and dissolves them so they rinse away.

Next I would definitely use an exfoliator. A great one is Modern Friction by Origins. It's a deep cleanser and exfoliator, it minimizes the appearance of big pores, and it helps to even out your skin tone. This worked wonders on the acne scars I had on my face, you can barely notice them. If you try this one you only use it about twice a week, no more than 3 times a week.

Then, I would recommend a toner. One with clay will be good too because it pH balances your face and seals off the pores and helps decrease oil production levels in your skin. As long as it's designed for oily skin, you should be ok.

Lastly, you need an oil free moisturizer. Oily skin needs moisture too.

I would actually recommend Origins products for all your skin care routine steps. It made a huge difference in the overall tone, texture, and appearance of my skin and I haven't looked back. If there's a counter or store by you it wouldn't hurt to at least stop in and get some samples.

But the best thing I can recommend is a regimen. No skin care product was ever designed to banish all your problems by itself.

Good luck!


Well-known member
I agree with Origins products, I'm a combination skin type so the only thing I can recommend to you is the Modern Friction...it's amazing stuff, you see the effects straight away...when I had the demo my hands were two different shades!


Well-known member
I agree with quinntastic that you need a regimen. But just remember to keep it simple. Origins is an awesome line. I used them the entire year I worked with them.

If your skin is oily but not really really oily, you may be able to get by without toner...You could use an oil control lotion or makeup primer with shine control instead. I say this because most toners contain harsh ingreds like alcohol, which can prove counterproductive with stubborn acne (at least IME). Whenever a breakout occurs, there's some sort of sensitivity going on, so taking it easy on the amount of products you use is a good idea. Make sure that if you look for exfoliating products that you choose some that either do so chemically or get a manual scrub with gentle microbeads that won't tear the skin or hurt. I know Origins sells some like this...

Oh, almost forgot, for the dark spots. Have you tried a skin lightener, applying just on the spots? Oh and a sunscreen, or a moisturizer w/SPF? Those are very important. Right now I am using a moisturizer with SPF 30 by Ambi, and it has soy and other stuff for evening out the skin tone...and Skin Effects by Dr. Dover Advanced Brightening Complex (CVS $20) is nice and effective.

Good luck, and hope this helped some


Well-known member
I know for a fact tha all of Origins' toners only have denatured alcohol, which is a cosmetic alcohol that won't dry or strip skin. I used to work for them as well.


Well-known member
I agree

I said "most" toners; Origins is definitely an exception to the rule, which is why I praised their line. However, IMO toners can still be optional if the skin is only slightly oily, based on what I have read from some well-respected derms, and alcohol is not the only ingredient that has the potential to irritate the skin (in general, as far as overall commercial products are concerned). As we all know on this board, a product can be labeled "non-acnegenic" and still irritate the condition.


Well-known member
I have super dry skin and I love the APW toner. My skin call tell the difference if I've skipped it for a day. lol


Active member
I am ABSOLUTELY in LOVE with AMBI Skincare's exfoliating wash. I saw a fellow youtuber use it as part of her daily skin routine. I am a big fan of exfoliating washes that are gentle to use everyday -- but still potent enough to get the job done.

Recently, my skin had a few blemishes in the middle of my t-zone, nothing serious, but I developed a nasty habit of "picking" at my blemishes. Although, the pimples have been healing accordingly - my "bad habit" has left some discoloration in place of those blemishes.

I've been using AMBI's exfoliating wash for roughly a week and it has shown DEFINITE improvement in the tone & texture of my skin. Enough so, that I didn't feel the need to use any of my concealer over my discoloration.



The products I use (religiously) in my skincare routine are as followed:
- Aveeno Positively Radiant Cleanser
- AMBI Exfoliating Wash (as previously mentioned)
- MAC Fix+ (as a toner, used prior to moisturizer)
- Aveeno Positively Radiant Daily Moisturizer (SPF 15)

The following products are used on an "as needed" basis:
- Proactiv Refining Mask (on problem blemishes)
- Ly-na Pearl Face Cream (used as an alternative to Refining Mask)
