Okay, I now realize I have a problem.


Well-known member
no pics...no evidence for my non junkie friends to use against me!

So for all my protesting about HK, I preordered and got:

Nice to be Nice l/g and the Brush set (yawn!).

Went to a different CCO this Saturday than the one I went to in my last haul, (Discover Mills in Lawrenceville Ga). This time I went to Big Mama, aka Premium Outlets in Dawsonville. I was pretty underwhelmed, so I only ended up getting:

A backup on my Deep Dark MSFN
Mink & Sable e/s , and at Shimmer's *ahem*gentle insistence, I got Pagan e/s, which is gorgeous on brown skin. I dunno why not many people seem to like it.

Also on Saturday, I went to my counter, and caved. I only got Lavender Whip. Okay I'm lying, I got backups of some other stuff, but Lavender Whip was the only new thing. LOL

Anywho, yeah. I promise I will TRY to not to buy anything else until Grand Duos.


Well-known member
nice haul! how are you getting on with those items? I am always interested to hear peoples post haul opinions

also discover mills is an outlet or just a regular mall? where is the CCO?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by sweets4
nice haul! how are you getting on with those items? I am always interested to hear peoples post haul opinions

also discover mills is an outlet or just a regular mall? where is the CCO?

I really like everything, but I have to admit that I'm not getting much mileage out of Lavender Whip, but only because I'm lazy, LOL