Old tired eyes need help, please


Well-known member
Just a newbie here looking for some help. I have been trying to decide how to best describe my eye color other than just Hazel. Sometime they are more green, then again their blue green with brown spots towards the center, and so on. I would guess that's the whole point of Hazel right, ever changing

I'm hoping that the picture shows enough of what I'm talking about. To go along with the ever changing eye color I have gravity fighting me all the way, with very hooded eyelids, not to mention that they are oil slicks as well

If ya'll be so kind as to offer suggestion for eyeshadows as I am going to the MAC Store on Thursday and would like to have an idea of what to buy. Also does any one have advice on how to place them on my eyes so that they look less droopy. I would be ever so greatful.

MAC colors I have

Pigments: Dazzleray; Shimmertime; Sunnydaze; Coco; Vanilla; Melon; Deckchair; Lily White; Lovly Lily; Azreal Blue; Softwash Grey; Golder;s Green; Gold Dusk; Golensire; and Chocolate Brown