omg automatic liners -_-


Well-known member
how in the world do u keep them sharpened?! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH im so mad at my brown eyeliner, i want 2 make a think sharp line, but i cant keep it shapened for the life of me !


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I don't use these lol....I haven't figured a way to make them pointy. There may be a way to do it, but I never knew how. it makes such an ugly thick line.


Well-known member
Aww, I actually like the thicker line most of the time! Since I like a thicker line on my lower lashline, I drag the pencil at an angle to sort of flatten it and it creates a bit of a point, which I then use for my upper lashline.

I think there are also sharpeners for these which resember a crayon sharpener. But I found that in a hurry, doing a couple of quick strokes at different angles on a piece of paper does the job too! HTHS!


Well-known member
Hold the automatic pencil at an angle when you use it. It'll start forming an angled tip that you can use for sharp lines as well as a broad face for bolder strokes.


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You turn it around slightly as you're dragging the line, this way it'll continously sharpen itself. It's the same technique Architects and Artists use to keep their leads from going dull.


Well-known member
I kept the sharpener from an old drugstore liner. Both Rimmel and Revlon make similar eyeliners that have little sharpeners that you pull out of the end. I just kept one from a Revlon one I had and use it on any that I have that don't come with sharpeners. It works quite well, actually. The only thing is, you have to go out and buy a liner just for the sharpener
. Although I find the Revlon liners to be pretty damn good anyway.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by PrettyInPink101
how in the world do u keep them sharpened?! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH im so mad at my brown eyeliner, i want 2 make a think sharp line, but i cant keep it shapened for the life of me !

well which kind of automatic eyeliner are you using? some of them have a little hidden sharpener on the bottom that you pull out and you can use the sharpen the pencil with - it works! but not all of them have it. my HG liners, Revlon Colorstay and Rimmel Exaggerate, have these little sharpeners on the bottom. i personally prefer an automatic liner as opposed to a regular pencil one.