Omg Ladies.....2day Is The Day > Guess what ladies........!!!!


Active member
2day is my second interview with mac. I have to do my demo and I am nervous 2 death. I didn't sleep well last night because all I think about is will I do okay. Please help me calm my nerves with some encouraging words and extra advice that I may need. Thanx guys!!!!


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Re: Omg Ladies.....2day Is The Day

Good luck!!!! I'm sure you'll do fine!

Deep breaths.. Deep breaths..

Second interview?? Sounds positive! Keep us posted!



Well-known member
Re: Omg Ladies.....2day Is The Day

Good luck! Just be calm, confident, friendly and do your thing! My best advice to you is don't overthink it. I totally overestimated the difficulty of the demo when I did mine and consequently, didn't sleep much either.

But it turns out, it really wasn't as hard as I thought. Just relax and think positive thoughts. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you

Was your interview with Homa?


Active member
Re: Omg Ladies.....2day Is The Day

Originally Posted by Trashionista
Good luck! Just be calm, confident, friendly and do your thing! My best advice to you is don't overthink it. I totally overestimated the difficulty of the demo when I did mine and consequently, didn't sleep much either.

But it turns out, it really wasn't as hard as I thought. Just relax and think positive thoughts. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you

Was your interview with Homa?

The 1st one was with Homa, this next one is at Macy's in Bowie with 2 other managers/trainer. Homa told me that she would not be present for this demo. Thank you so much for the advice it means so much. I'm counting down the hours.


Well-known member
Re: Omg Ladies.....2day Is The Day

Good luck and many blessings!!! I know it sounds cliche, but "be yourself".....people actually appreciate that. Positive thoughts and positive vibes....claim it and you'll get it. Peace...


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Re: Omg Ladies.....2day Is The Day

Originally Posted by DivineFacez
The 1st one was with Homa, this next one is at Macy's in Bowie with 2 other managers/trainer. Homa told me that she would not be present for this demo. Thank you so much for the advice it means so much. I'm counting down the hours.

The DC/MD/VA trainers are all real sweethearts, be yourself like Africana Eyes said and you'll be in for a treat

What time is your interview? At some point you have to force yourself to get off the internet, stop obsessing and put on some music that will get you hyped -- that's what I did anyway. Also, It might seem corny but I kept telling myself little positive things and wouldn't admit to anyone that I was nervous (until after the fact). Because I didn't want to validate any negativity or self-doubt as I felt like it would affect my performance if I did.

You can do this!!!


Active member
Re: Omg Ladies.....2day Is The Day

Originally Posted by Trashionista
The DC/MD/VA trainers are all real sweethearts, be yourself like Africana Eyes said and you'll be in for a treat

What time is your interview? At some point you have to force yourself to get off the internet, stop obsessing and put on some music that will get you hyped -- that's what I did anyway. Also, It might seem corny but I kept telling myself little positive things and wouldn't admit to anyone that I was nervous (until after the fact). Because I didn't want to validate any negativity or self-doubt as I felt like it would affect my performance if I did.

You can do this!!!

4:30 is the time. I'm calming down a liitle bit. I'm just gonna claim it and BELIEVE it is mine. Thanks guys...xoxoxoxoxo


Active member
Re: Omg Ladies.....2day Is The Day

Good Luck Chica! Think positive thoughts and you'll be fine. Let us know how it goes.


Well-known member
Re: Omg Ladies.....2day Is The Day

Keep positive & try to keep busy before you go. You will be fine!


Active member
Re: Omg Ladies.....2day Is The Day

Originally Posted by Trashionista
How did it go?!

It went better than great!! I was nervous 4 nothing. The people were great!!! While I was doing the demo, customers were coming up saying how good my model looked and could they be next!!! The managers were impressed. They said they would call in a couple days, so wish me luck ladies........this experience was AWESOME. I REALLY HOPE THEY CALL!!!!


Well-known member
Re: Omg Ladies.....2day Is The Day

Good Luck, my daugther is an artist for MAC and I remember the nerves, it took a little while before she got her call, so don't let time scare you.


Well-known member
Re: Omg Ladies.....2day Is The Day

That sounds extremely promising - well done so far and I'm sure good news will be coming your way soon ... !