Only Two Days.....


it was supposed to be last thursday but Homa, had to reschedule. I was SUPER nervous last week, so hopefully i have calmed down a bit. ANY last minute advice? I have everything ready & studied ...but ill take any advice i can get.

THANKS everyone!

M.A.C. head.

Well-known member
Have you been practicing? Not just on yourself, but on a model? That's SUPER important.

As for the sit down interview, just be confident but sociable. Homa is a very fierce woman, but she's very nice. She keeps it real though, so don't be surprised if she says something really bold about you, your make up, or how you're doing with the interview.

For the demo: PRACTICE! PRACTICE! PRACTICE ON YOUR MODEL. One thing Homa realizes is that a person who can do awesome make up on themselves may not be as great with doing make up on others; or there may be a person who is opposite; doesn't do all that well on themselves but does great work on others. It's best to have both bases covered

Good luck.
Where are you going for your interview?


OMG! I just had my sitdown interview with HOMA too.

she was fierce, but she liked me [Thank God!]

She's supposed to be setting up my second interview/demo. and she wants me to meet the regional exec or something of that sort.

I'm super nervous! but I will be practicing my makeup skills on my model AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE until then!