Opposite of yesterday's look: Tousled hair and smoky eyes


Well-known member
So this is what my new hair cut looks like when I leave it wavy. Today's makeup job is a bit half assed. Excuse the shitty lighting and out of control eyebrow. Goddddd, I feel so lazy. It's my off day; I'm entitled! Mainly Black Tied on the eyes and Viva Glam VI on my bare lips...should have worn Subculture underneath to make it look nude. I can provide an actual breakdown if need be. Otherwise, here it is:



Well-known member
Originally Posted by MACaholic76
I love it! Please do provide us with the complete breakdown!

Let's see if I remember...

Blot Loose in Medium Dark
Margin blush
(should have used concealer under my eyes but didn't...failed to notice those circles till I looked at that pic again...haha)

Carbon to fill brows
Mink Browset
Luna CCB as base
Honey Lust on inner lids
Kid on outer crease as a bridge color, and I think I have Club in there too
Black Tied everywhere else!
Grain to highlight
Blacktrack Fluidline
MF Lash Perfection in Rich Black

Viva Glam VI

I'm going to do the same look today (as soon as I get my butt in the shower) so I'll try to post better pictures (i.e. clearer ones in better lighting).


Well-known member
Your hair looks super sexy like that. Loving the smokey eyes, and Viva Glam VI was so made for you.
