Originally Posted by Kuuipo
NARS Mediteranee Duo has the most gorgeous,vivid golden sunset orange in the world. It comes paired with a gold shadow as well.
Pursebuzz recently did a NARS eyeshadow video review with this colour featured there. (She has only done one NARS video so far, but I will bet she does more in the future)Pursebuzz is just so cute and adorable that you have got to subscribe.
Anyway, its a gorgeous duo.
I was thinking about that duo, but I have so many beigey-golds, that I wasnt sure I would actually use the other half. But I agree, it
is a gorgeous duo!
Originally Posted by zabbazooey
I second the Firespot....it's an AWESOME color!!! Grab one off eBay if you can!
I checked swatches of it and it is so awesome! I'm definately adding that to my most wanted list! That color is so close to what I want!
Originally Posted by Briar
Here's another vote for MAC's Firespot. If you can find it, it sounds like exactly what you want. Its a gorgeous, vibrant orange with gold shimmer and really highly pigmented. L'Oreal's HiP line has a dupe that's not bad, though not as intense.
I actually bough that HIP duo, and I really have to work with my 239se to get any sort of build up that will lead to showing up on my lid. The color I'm looking for is somewhere between that orange and firespot!
Originally Posted by purrtykitty
Oh, good...it's not just me that it does that for, then. Good luck with finding one. Here are a couple more: Smashbox e/s single in Torch (it's a new color) or Shu Uemura in either IR Yellow 300 (looks bright orange online) or IR Orange 200 (not as bright, but specifically says "Golden Tangerine").
I just checked online for Torch and that color is awesome! But, sadly, I didn't see it last time I was at Sephora, so hopefully it will be there when I again!
AHHHH!! THose two are exactly what I'm looking for! Thank you so so much!
You so rock!