Ornamentalism e/s and products- questions answered


Active member
Hi Everyone!
I know there has been some discussion as to how I got my Ornamentalism products, so here are the answers, and YES they are 100% authentic:

I work for O Magazine- I am an editor there- if you really felt like finding out my full name, you can look me up

Anyhow, I went to a beauty sale for Town and Country- also in my building- that was for Katrina Victims. Every so often, when the beauty closet gets full, the magazine has to do a sale to clear it out. I've also been to one at O and scored many great things.

In any case, I know these e/s are 100% authentic and real because beauty companies would NOT send innacurate product to a magazine to be featured. The whole point is to get the product shot and placed in the magazine. It HAS to be accurate and real. It wouldn't make sense otherwise. All cosmetic companies do this- its how they get people like you and I excited about the upcoming stuff.

Soooooo, when I was at the sale, I realized it was from Ornamentalism, and I snatched it up immediately. YES, it does say "sample" on the box. It has to, so that I can't re-sell it (not that I would anyhow).

But please be assured that my pics and the product featured are accurate representations and the colors that will be sold. I didn't get them on Ebay, they aren't fakes. These are real- they have to be because of where I got them.

Hope you all enjoy!



Well-known member
Thanks so much for sharing your pictures and story with us.

What a great way to raise money for Katrina Victims! What woman wouldn't want to buy MAC makeup?!?! Especially when it's to help out others.


Well-known member
oh i think what people were implying was that its not always the finished product when it says sample on the box though. prettykitty was stating how she got her hands on pink papillon before it came out and that it was different from the one they launched with madame b. also i remember seeing pictures of a lipgelee before it came out... and it was in a normal lipglass stain tube (like the clear lipglass) and it said sample on it as well.

either way its always cool to get mac products before they come out


Active member
Oh, I wasn't referring to your post specifically, Pretty Kitty
. I had been getting emailed with questions, and people were asking if I was sure they were authentic, etc. So I just wanted to assure everyone that they were, thats all! BTW- I always love your m/u looks- you are amazing!


Well-known member
I don't know if this was confirmed in the previous thread but, is blue absinthe= parrot?


Active member
not IMO- it's a little more teal and not as "bright" as parrot. I don't have parrot to compare it to though, but I think someone else has compared both and while they are similar, they are not a match.


Well-known member
Thanks for posting Lipstick21! I saw your pics & your EOTD on MUA the other day & I was so excited to see it all! Thanks for sharing the pics & the background story, too! (Your job sounds really cool!) The pics of your shadows look fantastic, nothing like the crappy samples I got suckered into buying off ebay
Thanks again for sharing it all with us!


Well-known member
Ooooh I might want Blue Absinthe after all. I have Parrot but it's a little bright for me. It looks odd with my dark green eyes and it's hard for me to darken up because it doesn't go with any of my blues, but I can't mix it with black because it just looks muddy. BA might be a good sub.


Well-known member
Yeah a not as bright version of parrot might be worthwhile. I don't tend to wear brights very well either.


Well-known member
What a fantastic job you have. I really appreciate you sharing your story with us. I never even thought about them being fake when I saw your pics on MUA. I still say Oprah should be the next icon for MAC. Now it would have to be in 2007.


Well-known member
Lipstick21 - How cool you work for a mag and get to see the products early! I am a M.A.C. Artist and I have not seen them yet. Our Update Session is not until the end of the month, so it'll be a few more weeks before I get to see it. Hopefully, I get the chance to win some cool stuff at training.


YES, it does say "sample" on the box.

The new collections we train with say "sample" on the product, so those are authentic. I have an Elite e/s like that I won at an Update session. T