Other Worldly and Afterdusk Blushes - Help


Active member
So I just received these from the GBNF program. I wanted these SO BADLY. However, now that I have them I cant figure them out.

Here's the deal:

In application I'm no expert BUT I'm certainly no amateur. So this is driving me nuts. The colors suit my complexion however I cant get afterdusk to show up as it does in the pan and if I use a base the color changes and the texture is odd (this is a weirdly textured sheertone shimmer to begin with - Does anyone agree?) I tried Hush as a base but the glitter and shimmer are too pronounced and I normally embrace shimmer like no one's business but this was a holy mess.

As for Other Worldly, well the texture is gorgeous and so is the color but I'm looking a little muddy and metallic. I just want them to appear glowy, Which I have NEVER had a problem achieving with any other blush. I've tried every brush and technique I know of at this point.

Ughh, so frustrated. I just want rock these already.

Am I nuts or has anyone else experienced any trouble with these two Blushes? Please share some tips on how you guys make this work. BTW my skin tone (if it matters) is NC25.