out of a movie


Well-known member
Alright, I'm not usually one to post in this section of the website, however the craziest thing just happened to me and I just gotta tell somebody!

I'm not sure even where to start, but bear with me. Lately I've been having guy troubles. I've been dating this guy Dan for about 2 years, but the past 6 months have been more off and on because he's going through some things in his life and instead of us talking and working out our disagreements he'll throw in the towel and break up with me. Only for us to get back together within a few weeks and the cycle repeats itself. Well last week was the last time I was going to let him do that, and I said it was over for good. So the past week I've been pretty bummed and just trying to focus on other things in my life. Ok so that's enough with Dan.

I'm 24. In my freshman year of high school, I met this guy Chris. I had the biggest crush on him all through high school and a little bit into college when we were at the same school. He and I eventually became friends and would go out to lunch every now and then in college, but I never really tried anything because he was always that laid-back, cool musician who seemed like he could get any girl he wanted so I thought he was way out of my league.

Flash forward to today. We were chatting on AIM just catching up since I hadn't talked to him in a while. Eventually the conversation got around to people we had been dating, and all of a sudden he just confesses that he's pretty much been in love with me since high school! We talked for a few hours online since I think both of us thought the other person wasn't interested. It was a lot of laughing and omg-ing, it was like a scene out of a movie. However this comes at one of the most inconvenient times, because even though we are both single right now, I'm home in New Jersey (where we both live) and he's away at school in Hawaii! Also we're both unemployed with no means to go see each other. Talk about life throwing you a curve-ball. I'm curious to see if things will go anywhere for us, even when he comes home (less than 2 years to be home for good), since I don't know if a real relationship would be able to live up to any expectations either of us have. I definitely want to give it a shot, but I'd love to hear any advice
Thanks so much!

*Oh and I am working on putting some money aside to go see him. I'm in the process of getting financing to start my own business, but hopefully once I start making money I'll be able to save money for airfare and take some time off easily as my own boss.


Well-known member
Wow! My advice is take it slow and manage your expectations. Work on the foundation of your friendship before you allow it to progress-this is critical! I know it seems perfect now, and you're seeing nothing but green lights-enjoy this phase, and maximize it by taking your time


Well-known member
^^ Absolutely right! Take it slowly, if he is the one for you then there is no need to rush right? Keep talking to him online and get to know each other before you go see him. I'm very happy for you, good luck!


Well-known member
I've been in the same situation and its really hard!! definatly take it slow and drop the expectations. Its never going to be what you see in your minds eye. But that also doesn't mean that it can't be great. Take it from someone who knows and has had it screwed up--twice--go slow!!!


Well-known member
If you guys are destined to be together, then two years, or hawaii, or whatever - won't stand in your way. Just take it a day at a time and talk more, build up a solid base - and if its right, it will eventually come your way.


Well-known member
I believe you two are meant to be together. You two seem to have the same life and thought process. So my advice is to jump up for joy and believe for it to work out. Good luck.


Well-known member
aww cute story! it seems as though with the right timing, you guys can be together. just take it slow. that's the key. good luck with everything! he seems great.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by BeccalovesMAC
my advice- go for it. You only live once, fuck it up right

lol amen

He and I have been talking more lately so I think thats a good start. I'm trying to start a business here at home. I'll be trying to get financing in the next few weeks. I think if I can't get the financing I need then I might just say F it and go to Hawaii. I'll keep everyone updated